How You Can Prepare for the Coming of Jesus - 8th December
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2 years ago
Thank you Bruce for this message that has confirmed what I have done today!!! May the Lord keep blessing you Bruce, Rosemary and all who work in the ministries for the Lord, along with all your families!!! Sometimes I catch myself thanking you aloud as if you are present right in front of me! Knowing that you are not, it is just my way of expressing my appreciation when there is no one around, except the Lord!!! The Lord I have already thanked Him several times over for being with me throughout this challenging day of Advent!!!
2 years ago
Thank you Bruce for reminding us to be ready for God!
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Thank you Bruce for this message that has confirmed what I have done today!!! May the Lord keep blessing you Bruce, Rosemary and all who work in the ministries for the Lord, along with all your families!!! Sometimes I catch myself thanking you aloud as if you are present right in front of me! Knowing that you are not, it is just my way of expressing my appreciation when there is no one around, except the Lord!!!
The Lord I have already thanked Him several times over for being with me throughout this challenging day of Advent!!!
Thank you Bruce for reminding us to be ready for God!
Thank You Bruce
Thank You and God Bless .