Pray For Difficult People - 30th January

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7 days ago

Thank you!!!!!

Maureen Green
7 days ago

Thank you Bruce for reminding me to pray for my very difficult daughter. As a teenager she changed dramatically and became very difficult to handle overnight.
Now in het 50’s she is I’m,possible. For no reason at all she goes into a ” I’m not talking” mood. Eventually I have to go to her and start talking as though I have not noticed she has blanked me for 6to 8 months! I will start praying for her at once. Thank you for a good idea!

Reply to  Maureen Green
5 days ago

I will pray for you and please pray for my daughter who is 55 and still falsely accuses me for things I haven’t done.. so much that I had to block her cause I can’t take any more of her abuse at my age of 78. Now she is doing the same false accusations against her brother who hasn’t done anything… if she thinks it well that’s what it is!! God have mercy on them as we have no right to make life more difficult than it is.

Maureen Green
Reply to  Sandie
5 days ago

Thank you Samdie, yes, I have added your daughter to my prayers.
It is all we can do.

7 days ago

I do pray for my brother and other friends who stopped talking to me for NO reason. I pray that whatever it was, they talk to me and deal with whatever situation it was that they chose to stop talking. I have tried many times to get back into their lives again. No go. So I have accepted that they no longer want to be in my life, its sad but i need to move on and surround myself with positive people.

7 days ago

I’m going through this with my sons! It’s very difficult, but God knows how they have been!!!! Amen

Reply to  Lorraine
5 days ago

Yes same with our family.. may God have mercy and strength us and heal the brokenness that this cause especially to a mother.

6 days ago

My daughter does not get on with her Brother, due to circumstances from many years ago. Do I need to pray more.

Reply to  Daisy
5 days ago

Yes everyday in the morning… lift them up in prayer leave them in His most capable handand thank God He is working behind the scenes.. then go on to enjoy the gift of 24 hours!

6 days ago

Thank you for this beautiful message. I really need to hear this today.

Isabel Jimenez
6 days ago

Amen 🙏

6 days ago


Maryanne Bartolo
6 days ago

Hello Bruce, and just want to thank you for‘Dealing with difficult people.’
I felt you were just talking to me about this matter. I’m going through some very hard times with the family, and I cried so much listening to you. I’m taking on board what you said, your ministry has made me strong and grateful.
Thank you so much Bruce and your team.

6 days ago

I’m in the same situation with my family I pray for them , but I have gotten used to the idea they don’t want me in their lives, god bless them .

Reply to  Martha
5 days ago

FatherGod continue to heal the broken hearted and help others see the great harm they cause.

5 days ago

Your Daily Devotional has helped me by being more devoted to prayer! Also allows me to spend more time with God & make me more aware of praying!

5 days ago

While in the court house.. I looked at my daughter who was accusing her brother of things he had not done…while I was on the witness stand I looked at my daughter then looked at my son who was being crucified unjustly then looked back at my daughter and I heard in my mind..Let go..leave her to Me. I did just that and may He touch her hard heart as she is dreadfully deceived! I still pray for her in the morning and go about my day in peace. That’s what God can do when we do things His way.… Read more »