Thanks for your video about power for living. I have received emails for some time but this is the first time that I have watched your talk for ages. I am encouraged to listen to more talks. Thank you
Jeanette Easton
3 years ago
Again I thank you Bruce all your daily reflections are wonderful, I am really looking forward to walking with you during the following weeks. You encourage and give me hope every morning.
jacqueline horton
3 years ago
On the hibe page can PayPal be included for safety?
3 years ago
thankyou once again for the privilege of just being able to sit here– far away in South Africa, and being able to grow with you. I love listening to everything on youtube of dr BILLY GRAHAM .. a wonderful preacher of the truth, only the TRUTH AND THEN I DO NOT MISS A THING OF YOURS — DR GRAHAM’S PREACHINGS HAS BEEN SUCH A BLESSING TO ME– AND I WANT TO TELL YOU THAT I HAVE BEEN ABUNDANTLY BLESSED BY ALL YOUR MESSAGES AS WELL.
You mentioned Billy Graham what a deciple of our Lord I remember Pope John Paul saying to him we could do with more men like you in our priesthood and he’s right I followed Billy Graham from the age if 7rs I used to run home from school to watch him in TV I never wanted him .to die . I went to see him when he came to England I wasn’t a Catholic them but he shaped my faith and all his children have followed him into the ministry how wonderful is that. I think Bruce is a second… Read more »
good morning JEAN, WONDERFUL TO HEAR BACK FROM YOU AND ALSO YOUR WONDERFUL LIFE WITH THESE TWO PREACHERS— I really AM NO FAN OF ALL THESE SO CALLED PROSPERITY PREACHERS — I need to hear the truth, to find the truth and live the truth– like you mentioned, you have come a long way with dr GRAMAM, so have I, —- TV, INTERNET, YOUTUBE, BOOKS ETC, AND I STILL WATCH HIM FOR HOURS ON END– AND I REALLY BELIEVE BRUCE DOWNS IS AS HONEST AND AND AS TRUTHFUL. .In these times of total turmoil, everything that is against the church… Read more »
I am not a CATHOLIC– to me it is not about that— to me, it is all about GOD— LISTENING AND HEARING AND LEARNING AND RECLINING ON GOD— NOW FOR THEN–spending time with GOD– lots of time with GOD– NOW FOR THEN……
3 years ago
Hi, I once had that deeper relationship with God. but seem to have lost it. Looking forward to finding that again over the next few weeks ,thank you Kathleen
What made you think you lost it your following Bruce so its still there just needs working on
3 years ago
Thank you for your wisdom and sharing it with us
3 years ago
Thanks Bruce Lent was a start Prayer- how powerful and uniting Rosary- thanks for the reminder ‘Relationship’ what a truely grace inspired concept. This is my path I will take with baby steps With your Ministry Blessed are you among us in your Ministry Thanks
Elisabeth Garcia
3 years ago
While camping in the Yukon last year I picked up a book from a book exchange in one of the campgrounds: Rediscover Jesus by Matthew Kelly, a countryman of yours Bruce. Curiously I read it and that book and your presentations have brought me back to my faith. There is so much inspiration, love and compassion in your words, that I just can’t ignore them. Thank you Bruce, you are an inspiration!
Pauline and John Fletcher
3 years ago
Thank you so much Bruce May you be blessed as you bless us. We look forward to walking with you in the weeks ahead. Thank you so much from our hearts.
Nora Ward
3 years ago
Please pray for my grandson John and grandaughter Anne.also for guidance for our family
3 years ago
Pray that before I’m gone with the lord that my kids would reunite with each other,so that we may be a family once again.
3 years ago
Thank you Bruce, I am enjoying our Journey together, the lenten program has awakened in me what I have always wanted, knowledge that God is not just in the heavens but here with me and I am so pleased. Now my deeper journey can begin with you and God intrusting in the Holy Spirit to light a fire in my soul. Bless and I will continue to take this journey.
Robert Falzon
3 years ago
Thanks Bruce
Maria Jones
3 years ago
Thank you Bruce. Your talk this morning so resonated with me, especially where you talked about your Dad being your Mentor as Catholic. My Mother was an awesome woman. She was my Mentor who guided me through what was important growing up as being a Catholic. I attended Boarding from a very young age…..from 5 Years old to my later Teen years. Yesterday was a very special Day for for me. 1: Celebrating The Risen Lord. 2: My beautiful and Mentor, Mum’s Remembrance Day. She died on April 4 . Easter Sunday . So you can say, it was a… Read more »
3 years ago
Thanks for today’s message Bruce and for what will come in the Living in Resurrection Power – I am so looking forward to the series. This year, more than any recent years, Lent and Easter were very special for me – with only a few days towards the end when I was away and unable to follow my routine, I adhered to my plan for a life consciously putting God first during Lent. I want to deep the momentum and go deeper which I am sure you will help us do.
Maria Bsram
3 years ago
Looking forward to my daily walk in faith with you Bruce. Thank you for the journey to the ‘top of the hill’ so far. Maria B
3 years ago
Well, what good changes shall come I pray? I have a neighbour who is an ex Vietnam Veteran who has suffered much because of it. He comes to my house every morning with his dog and together, I with my dog, we walk a kilometre and then back to my home for a chat and coffee. His name is David and I have seen changes, for the better, in his life. He is not a Christian but he does accept me as one now more than at first. So now I two walks a day, one with him which is… Read more »
Loved reading this, Edwin. Beautifully said. God Bless. Thank You.
3 years ago
Thank you ???????? that I have you to walk with Bruce.
James Stone
3 years ago
Thank you for your daily video talks and thank you for the encouragement to deepen our faith. May our Lord Bless you and all of us in our daily walk with Jesus.
Deanna Francke
3 years ago
Hello Bruce, hope you had a Great Easter. Can’t wait to get started ‘Walking in the power of God.’sounds exciting.????
3 years ago
Thankyou Bruce for the guided programme during lent. It helped to keep me focused and strong. Now looking forward to continuing my daily walks with you in the love of Christ Amen
Valerie Simms
3 years ago
Thank you Bruce for this new series in Walking With God in His Resurrection Power! It’s amazing how I never stop learning and growing spiritually in my relationship with God. Your messages can only enhance my relationship with God more powerfully, Bruce! God bless you and see you tomorrow!
3 years ago
Back home in Australia we go to daily mass however we have been unable to return home from Europe for the past year because of limited numbers allowed in. So we really look forward to your daily inspiration which we have been following. Your Lenten journey was a lot of help for me and I believe it has done a bit in my life as there is a lot more area that I need to grow in. I thank you for all you and your crew does and I am sure that you’re changing many lives around the globe. Many… Read more »
3 years ago
Bruce, heartfelt thanks for taking me to the top of that mountain. I am truly humbled and grateful for enabling me to continue my spiritual journey to that higher and deeper spiritual level in my relationship with God. Abundant blessings to you and your ministry
JenniferAnne Howlett
3 years ago
Thank you for your postings. Much appreciated. Blessings to you all.
Margaret Mary Mayne
3 years ago
Throughout this Lenten season, I followed the journey with you each day till the end and felt closer to God and really tried to listen to what God needed me to do. Our family is blessed with being very close. My husband died 7 years ago. We always tried to gather the family together throughout the year but with Covid pandemic it was not possible this year. Yesterday Easter Sunday we were able to gather here at the family home which was a wonderful day, Our 5 children, 10 of 12 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren. It was the most… Read more »
Roise Kane.
3 years ago
I have enjoyed this lenten journey every day.I watched Emma,s story @could identify as my son was paralysed from the waist down as a result of a car crash.He died 4 years ago.also my husband was murdered in Kuwait in07 both died at Christmas .I know about carrying my cross@my religion is the most importent thing in my life and growing closer to God is my purpose @ i enjoy these messages every day.God bless everyone@please prey for me too.
3 years ago
Thank you Bruce, I am looking forward to walking with you in faith. Thank you, your messages are so helpful.
Barbara Meyer
3 years ago
I am so happy that I am finding God through this ministry. I have never experienced such a closeness to God in my heart. I look forward to taking this journey with you. Thank you Bruce.
Anthony Caruso
3 years ago
Brue, I look forward to walking with you to grow my relationship with God. You said that a lot of people go through with lent taking steps to get closer with God only to fall back to where they were before Lent. To me it is like we are experiencing with the virus. We follow the guidelines than get the virus because we not keep ourselves save. I want to know that I am safe in my relationship with the Lord and I walk with you to secure my relationship with him.
Beverly Holzinger South Africa
3 years ago
Your Power of living opening comes from your sincere deep walk with Our Lord. I have often been put off by TV evangelists because of the glitz and rah rah presentation, but, you, Bruce are humble and sincere in delivering a short, powerful message each time. Thank you and God Bless.
3 years ago
Thank you for the new series and I look forward to it every bit as much as the Lenten series. Happy Easter! He is truly Risen.
Michelle Johnson
3 years ago
Thankyou Bruce. I have been watching your daily devotional for the past year. Watching them has deepened my prayer life and relationship with God. I can’t thank you enough
Barbara Cavalieri
3 years ago
Thank you so very much. I have followed your Lenten journey and will continue to follow you and have pledged to give monthly to you also. You brought me to tears today because you are so accepting of me and others like me who are churchless. You are not telling us that we must go out and find a church or God will not accept us. Bless you for that because I have never been told that before. You have brought so much peace and joy into my life and I am forever grateful. I look forward to hearing you… Read more »
3 years ago
Thank you Bruce. I start my day with you. I started A new job as secretary of our catholic church. I have much to learn and pray each day He will continue to guide me. I love working next to the church as when I feel overwhelmed, I go and talk to.him there. I have so much to learn but my faith is my guide. God bless you for.walking with me!
Marci Valente
3 years ago
Thank you Bruce for continuing this journey with us. We are truly blessed to have you in our lives. God bless you and your ministry. Blessed Easter Monday to you all. ????????????????
3 years ago
I will walk with you Bruce, Thank you for the opportunity, bless you.
3 years ago
Good morning, I would like to take this time to say thank you for your word every morning and God Bless you and your family. I will keep you all in my prayers as well as you praying for others????????
Barbara Mclachlan
3 years ago
Thank you for today’s message and prayer. I feel so c,lose to God on my daily walks with my little dog. Having him arrive into our family last May. Walking through winter and watching trees slowly waking up. We walk through an allway. on one side is a small wood. Its sleek joyful tk see people’s gardens come alive with spring flowers. I invite Jesus to come with us on our walks. And now lunch is over and he is waiting. God Bless you and the team.
Barbara Mclachlan
3 years ago
Apologies for typo errors. I do read through and check, Then once posted I find more lol. Only God is perfect.
3 years ago
So needed for such a time as this! “When you seek will find Me!” May God Almighty bless you, your family and team for all you do!! Revival starts in each one of us and should have a ripple effect! Make huge waves, and the Holy Spirit will come alive in those who are already His and capture the hearts of those who are in dire need of His grace, mercy and the Truth! He came to die so that our joy may be full, and we have abundant life! So excited for everyone to spread the Good News!… Read more »
3 years ago
Without a doubt this daily Lenten Celebration 2021 has been the most fulfilling of all the many years I have participated in Retreats. In fairness the time spent in the past have been beneficial and in many ways laid the ground work for the culmination of these weeks spent under pandemic restrictions. For me, this virus might very well be the reason I have benefitted so greatly in my continued Faith growth and opening up within myself and close relationships God Given Healings that were always there but I had failed to understand but now accept. I wish to express… Read more »
Carmen Myers
3 years ago
Will continue to journey with you Bruce. I am a faithful church goer. Both my parents were very close to Jesus. My Mother especially my Dad had a nervous breakdown when I was only five and could not face people so stopped going to church,very difficult for my Mom but she never gave up with 10 children. Your daughters message was so beautiful. She has had a difficult journey but can tell close to the Holy Spirit. Thank you for what you do.
Lucy Kimani
3 years ago
Lucy Kimani
3 years ago
Thank you Bruce, for the inspiration us to continue to walk or journey with God.
3 years ago
Hi so loved the Lent series and God is doing something new in me. Totally I want to go deeper with God. Excited and following this series now. A lot of my friends would be angry if they knew I was listening to your broadcasts. I’m living in Northern Ireland and I’m a protestant. I stumbled across the lent series on facebook I’m so glad I did. My heart is pained at the separation and troubles between Catholics and Protestants here in Northern Ireland as I have come to realise through the lent series we are all one family. God… Read more »
Chisanga Marie Kashoki
3 years ago
Thank you Bruce. As lent ended I said to myself what next. Thank you for reminding me that this is the time for growth for a deeper relationship. I am looking forward to walking with you.
Carla Villafana
3 years ago
Wow! This was a good one! The analogy of Mary’s growth as she walked with Jesus is powerful. Thank you. I can see that this “Living in the Resurrection Power” is going to be great. Happy Easter Bruce.
Doug McColl
3 years ago
Hello Bruce. When we walk with God daily…when we spend time with God, talk with God, our journey of faith is enriched. Our spiritual growth gives us the spiritual power. When we see that the burden is beyond our strength, we do not consider or analyze it or probe into it, but we run like a child to the heart of Jesus and say only one word to him: “You can do all all things”, and then keep silent, because know that Jesus Himself will intervene in the matter, and as for us, instead of tormenting ourselves, we will use… Read more »
3 years ago
Bruce, I have been following your meditations for a while now. I loved my lent journey with you and I am looking forward to the next journey. I am very inspired by your daily messages and I feel blessed to be able to follow you. May God continue to bless you in this wonderful voyage you have undertaken. I am touched by your inclusiveness in all you share. Thank you so much. Agnes
Add a comment
Thanks for your video about power for living. I have received emails for some time but this is the first time that I have watched your talk for ages. I am encouraged to listen to more talks. Thank you
Again I thank you Bruce all your daily reflections are wonderful, I am really looking forward to walking with you during the following weeks. You encourage and give me hope every morning.
On the hibe page can PayPal be included for safety?
thankyou once again for the privilege of just being able to sit here– far away in South Africa, and being able to grow with you. I love listening to everything on youtube of dr BILLY GRAHAM .. a wonderful preacher of the truth, only the TRUTH AND THEN I DO NOT MISS A THING OF YOURS — DR GRAHAM’S PREACHINGS HAS BEEN SUCH A BLESSING TO ME– AND I WANT TO TELL YOU THAT I HAVE BEEN ABUNDANTLY BLESSED BY ALL YOUR MESSAGES AS WELL.
You mentioned Billy Graham what a deciple of our Lord I remember Pope John Paul saying to him we could do with more men like you in our priesthood and he’s right I followed Billy Graham from the age if 7rs I used to run home from school to watch him in TV I never wanted him .to die . I went to see him when he came to England I wasn’t a Catholic them but he shaped my faith and all his children have followed him into the ministry how wonderful is that. I think Bruce is a second… Read more »
good morning JEAN, WONDERFUL TO HEAR BACK FROM YOU AND ALSO YOUR WONDERFUL LIFE WITH THESE TWO PREACHERS— I really AM NO FAN OF ALL THESE SO CALLED PROSPERITY PREACHERS — I need to hear the truth, to find the truth and live the truth– like you mentioned, you have come a long way with dr GRAMAM, so have I, —- TV, INTERNET, YOUTUBE, BOOKS ETC, AND I STILL WATCH HIM FOR HOURS ON END– AND I REALLY BELIEVE BRUCE DOWNS IS AS HONEST AND AND AS TRUTHFUL. .In these times of total turmoil, everything that is against the church… Read more »
I am not a CATHOLIC– to me it is not about that— to me, it is all about GOD— LISTENING AND HEARING AND LEARNING AND RECLINING ON GOD— NOW FOR THEN–spending time with GOD– lots of time with GOD– NOW FOR THEN……
Hi, I once had that deeper relationship with God. but seem to have lost it. Looking forward to finding that again over the next few weeks ,thank you Kathleen
What made you think you lost it your following Bruce so its still there just needs working on
Thank you for your wisdom and sharing it with us
Thanks Bruce
Lent was a start
Prayer- how powerful and uniting
Rosary- thanks for the reminder
‘Relationship’ what a truely grace inspired concept.
This is my path
I will take with baby steps
With your Ministry
Blessed are you among us in your Ministry
While camping in the Yukon last year I picked up a book from a book exchange in one of the campgrounds: Rediscover Jesus by Matthew Kelly, a countryman of yours Bruce. Curiously I read it and that book and your presentations have brought me back to my faith. There is so much inspiration, love and compassion in your words, that I just can’t ignore them. Thank you Bruce, you are an inspiration!
Thank you so much Bruce May you be blessed as you bless us. We look forward to walking with you in the weeks ahead. Thank you so much from our hearts.
Please pray for my grandson John and grandaughter Anne.also for guidance for our family
Pray that before I’m gone with the lord that my kids would reunite with each other,so that we may be a family once again.
Thank you Bruce, I am enjoying our Journey together, the lenten program has awakened in me what I have always wanted, knowledge that God is not just in the heavens but here with me and I am so pleased. Now my deeper journey can begin with you and God intrusting in the Holy Spirit to light a fire in my soul. Bless and I will continue to take this journey.
Thanks Bruce
Thank you Bruce. Your talk this morning so resonated with me, especially where you talked about your Dad being your Mentor as Catholic. My Mother was an awesome woman. She was my Mentor who guided me through what was important growing up as being a Catholic. I attended Boarding from a very young age…..from 5 Years old to my later Teen years. Yesterday was a very special Day for for me. 1: Celebrating The Risen Lord. 2: My beautiful and Mentor, Mum’s Remembrance Day. She died on April 4 . Easter Sunday . So you can say, it was a… Read more »
Thanks for today’s message Bruce and for what will come in the Living in Resurrection Power – I am so looking forward to the series. This year, more than any recent years, Lent and Easter were very special for me – with only a few days towards the end when I was away and unable to follow my routine, I adhered to my plan for a life consciously putting God first during Lent. I want to deep the momentum and go deeper which I am sure you will help us do.
Looking forward to my daily walk in faith with you Bruce. Thank you for the journey to the ‘top of the hill’ so far. Maria B
Well, what good changes shall come I pray? I have a neighbour who is an ex Vietnam Veteran who has suffered much because of it. He comes to my house every morning with his dog and together, I with my dog, we walk a kilometre and then back to my home for a chat and coffee. His name is David and I have seen changes, for the better, in his life. He is not a Christian but he does accept me as one now more than at first. So now I two walks a day, one with him which is… Read more »
Loved reading this, Edwin. Beautifully said. God Bless. Thank You.
Thank you ???????? that I have you to walk with Bruce.
Thank you for your daily video talks and thank you for the encouragement to deepen our faith. May our Lord Bless you and all of us in our daily walk with Jesus.
Hello Bruce, hope you had a Great Easter.
Can’t wait to get started ‘Walking in the power of God.’sounds exciting.????
Thankyou Bruce for the guided programme during lent. It helped to keep me focused and strong. Now looking forward to continuing my daily walks with you in the love of Christ Amen
Thank you Bruce for this new series in Walking With God in His Resurrection Power! It’s amazing how I never stop learning and growing spiritually in my relationship with God. Your messages can only enhance my relationship with God more powerfully, Bruce! God bless you and see you tomorrow!
Back home in Australia we go to daily mass however we have been unable to return home from Europe for the past year because of limited numbers allowed in. So we really look forward to your daily inspiration which we have been following. Your Lenten journey was a lot of help for me and I believe it has done a bit in my life as there is a lot more area that I need to grow in. I thank you for all you and your crew does and I am sure that you’re changing many lives around the globe. Many… Read more »
Bruce, heartfelt thanks for taking me to the top of that mountain. I am truly humbled and grateful for enabling me to continue my spiritual journey to that higher and deeper spiritual level in my relationship with God. Abundant blessings to you and your ministry
Thank you for your postings. Much appreciated. Blessings to you all.
Throughout this Lenten season, I followed the journey with you each day till the end and felt closer to God and really tried to listen to what God needed me to do. Our family is blessed with being very close. My husband died 7 years ago. We always tried to gather the family together throughout the year but with Covid pandemic it was not possible this year. Yesterday Easter Sunday we were able to gather here at the family home which was a wonderful day, Our 5 children, 10 of 12 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren. It was the most… Read more »
I have enjoyed this lenten journey every day.I watched Emma,s story @could identify as my son was paralysed from the waist down as a result of a car crash.He died 4 years ago.also my husband was murdered in Kuwait in07 both died at Christmas .I know about carrying my cross@my religion is the most importent thing in my life and growing closer to God is my purpose @ i enjoy these messages every day.God bless everyone@please prey for me too.
Thank you Bruce, I am looking forward to walking with you in faith. Thank you, your messages are so helpful.
I am so happy that I am finding God through this ministry. I have never experienced such a closeness to God in my heart. I look forward to taking this journey with you. Thank you Bruce.
Brue, I look forward to walking with you to grow my relationship with God. You said that a lot of people go through with lent taking steps to get closer with God only to fall back to where they were before Lent. To me it is like we are experiencing with the virus. We follow the guidelines than get the virus because we not keep ourselves save. I want to know that I am safe in my relationship with the Lord and I walk with you to secure my relationship with him.
Your Power of living opening comes from your sincere deep walk with Our Lord. I have often been put off by TV evangelists because of the glitz and rah rah presentation, but, you, Bruce are humble and sincere in delivering a short, powerful message each time. Thank you and God Bless.
Thank you for the new series and I look forward to it every bit as much as the Lenten series. Happy Easter! He is truly Risen.
Thankyou Bruce. I have been watching your daily devotional for the past year. Watching them has deepened my prayer life and relationship with God. I can’t thank you enough
Thank you so very much. I have followed your Lenten journey and will continue to follow you and have pledged to give monthly to you also. You brought me to tears today because you are so accepting of me and others like me who are churchless. You are not telling us that we must go out and find a church or God will not accept us. Bless you for that because I have never been told that before. You have brought so much peace and joy into my life and I am forever grateful. I look forward to hearing you… Read more »
Thank you Bruce. I start my day with you. I started A new job as secretary of our catholic church. I have much to learn and pray each day He will continue to guide me. I love working next to the church as when I feel overwhelmed, I go and talk to.him there. I have so much to learn but my faith is my guide. God bless you for.walking with me!
Thank you Bruce for continuing this journey with us. We are truly blessed to have you in our lives. God bless you and your ministry. Blessed Easter Monday to you all. ????????????????
I will walk with you Bruce, Thank you for the opportunity, bless you.
Good morning, I would like to take this time to say thank you for your word every morning and God Bless you and your family. I will keep you all in my prayers as well as you praying for others????????
Thank you for today’s message and prayer. I feel so c,lose to God on my daily walks with my little dog. Having him arrive into our family last May. Walking through winter and watching trees slowly waking up. We walk through an allway. on one side is a small wood. Its sleek joyful tk see people’s gardens come alive with spring flowers. I invite Jesus to come with us on our walks.
And now lunch is over and he is waiting. God Bless you and the team.
Apologies for typo errors. I do read through and check, Then once posted I find more lol. Only God is perfect.
So needed for such a time as this! “When you seek will find Me!” May God Almighty bless you, your family and team for all you do!! Revival starts in each one of us and should have a ripple effect! Make huge waves, and the Holy Spirit will come alive in those who are already His and capture the hearts of those who are in dire need of His grace, mercy and the Truth! He came to die so that our joy may be full, and we have abundant life! So excited for everyone to spread the Good News!… Read more »
Without a doubt this daily Lenten Celebration 2021 has been the most fulfilling of all the many years I have participated in Retreats. In fairness the time spent in the past have been beneficial and in many ways laid the ground work for the culmination of these weeks spent under pandemic restrictions. For me, this virus might very well be the reason I have benefitted so greatly in my continued Faith growth and opening up within myself and close relationships God Given Healings that were always there but I had failed to understand but now accept. I wish to express… Read more »
Will continue to journey with you Bruce. I am a faithful church goer. Both my parents were very close to Jesus. My Mother especially my Dad had a nervous breakdown when I was only five and could not face people so stopped going to church,very difficult for my Mom but she never gave up with 10 children. Your daughters message was so beautiful. She has had a difficult journey but can tell close to the Holy Spirit. Thank you for what you do.
Thank you Bruce, for the inspiration us to continue to walk or journey with God.
Hi so loved the Lent series and God is doing something new in me. Totally I want to go deeper with God. Excited and following this series now. A lot of my friends would be angry if they knew I was listening to your broadcasts. I’m living in Northern Ireland and I’m a protestant. I stumbled across the lent series on facebook I’m so glad I did. My heart is pained at the separation and troubles between Catholics and Protestants here in Northern Ireland as I have come to realise through the lent series we are all one family. God… Read more »
Thank you Bruce. As lent ended I said to myself what next.
Thank you for reminding me that this is the time for growth for a deeper relationship.
I am looking forward to walking with you.
Wow! This was a good one! The analogy of Mary’s growth as she walked with Jesus is powerful. Thank you. I can see that this “Living in the Resurrection Power” is going to be great. Happy Easter Bruce.
Hello Bruce. When we walk with God daily…when we spend time with God, talk with God, our journey of faith is enriched. Our spiritual growth gives us the spiritual power. When we see that the burden is beyond our strength, we do not consider or analyze it or probe into it, but we run like a child to the heart of Jesus and say only one word to him: “You can do all all things”, and then keep silent, because know that Jesus Himself will intervene in the matter, and as for us, instead of tormenting ourselves, we will use… Read more »
Bruce, I have been following your meditations for a while now. I loved my lent journey with you and I am looking forward to the next journey. I am very inspired by your daily messages and I feel blessed to be able to follow you. May God continue to bless you in this wonderful voyage you have undertaken. I am touched by your inclusiveness in all you share. Thank you so much.