Archbishop Mark Coleridge, President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

Bruce has a charism, by which I mean a gift given by God through an individual and through the Church but given to the world. It’s a gift given by God to build up the Church for the sake of mission – and this at a time when God is calling the Church to become more missionary. Bruce is a classic case of the new category which is sometimes called “a Catholic evangelical”. In the past, those two terms would have seemed mutually exclusive, but not anymore. We need to become more deeply Catholic and more boldly evangelical – and that’s the combination you find in the Catholic Guy Ministry.
Fr Paul Chandler, Parish Priest

“The Catholic Guy Mission Event in our parish was an amazing, prayerful retreat for our people. I knew when I first met them that it would be a worthwhile and beneficial experience for our parish but I have to say, and say very strongly, that it far surpassed the hopes and expectations that I had; and all that because the structure and the content of the event allowed God’s grace to work.
Fr Michael McLean, Parish Priest

There is nothing that would come close to providing such a good Mission experience like this available in the country at the moment. Some parishioners said The Catholic Guy Event was life changing for them as they now saw their life in a different way. People came who would normally not come to spiritual or religious occasions.
Fr Tom Cassidy OP, Parish Priest
“I first heard about The Catholic Guy last year during my first year as a parish priest in Brisbane. The recommendations were enthusiastic, so I went ahead and invited them. And I am glad I did. The numbers attending doubled over the five days of the retreat. I marvelled at the ability of Bruce Downes to hold the attention of parishioners for an hour and a half each evening. I think it had a lot to do with his way of relating our Christian faith to the everyday lives of lay Catholics. I received many favourable comments after the conclusion of the retreat.”
Fr Michael Court, Parish Priest

The Catholic Guy Team touched all who attended and bridged barriers of age or stages in the faith journey, and some who just “came along to see” found themselves coming back for more. It provided an opportunity for personal growth, and for the growth and nourishment of our parish community. Our pleasant challenge is to build on and extend the gift Bruce and his team gave us!
Fr Noel Brady, Parish Priest

The Catholic Guy ministry team conducted a mission/event in our parish this year. What I found interesting is the way Bruce opens up Scripture from his perspective as a husband and father. I have no doubt that many of the parishioners who were present for his talk on Jarius’ daughter will never hear that story again without thinking of Bruce’s daughter. Parishioners are still talking about the inspiring talks and how they were touched individually by the mission/event.
Fr Kevin Johnson, Parish Priest
Just a quick note to inform you that the people are still full of enthusiasm and praise over the Catholic Guy event held in our Parish. I visited a shop recently and the lady who served me there had attended the event in this parish and she was full of praise, stating that it was the finest spiritual event in her whole life.
Fr Mark Croker, Parish Priest

Over a period of five days, over 1200 parishioners listened as The Catholic Guy team challenge our view of faith and how we can incorporate prayer and Jesus into every day. It gave me, the Parish Priest a charge up in his level of enthusiasm with the positive feedback received following his and his teams stay.
Fr John Armstrong, Parish Priest
It is hard to imagine taking a whole parish on retreat both given the logistics, time and places which are available. However, the Catholic Guy was able to bring this retreat experience to our parish. It gave the opportunity people to spend time reflecting on Scripture, on their own faith journeys and to engage in prayer which touched many people in deep and profound encounters with Jesus Christ. They have been a great blessing for our parish.

- I heard Bruce Downes message and it was the best message I have heard in forty years plus and I am not even a Catholic.
- I thank the Lord for you! You kept me from suicide and put my feet back on the narrow path. Every day, you give us a small do-able bite, or invitation to grow. These bites turn out to be foundational and so strengthening! Keep up the good work. Keep praying for America, we love our Aussie brothers and sisters.

- Bruce, I find it hard to put into words just how greatly your videos have blessed me. I have passed them onto my adult children & friends at times & they too, comment on your ability to explain things in a way they can relate to & understand.
- I am really finding this current series on overcoming giants very helpful but can honestly say I have loved most of the subjects you speak about.
- Our mixed-up world really needs your ministry right now & I pray that you will all find the strength to continue & that I can do my part in my everyday actions & prayers.

- Hi Bruce, I’m blessed, and I do listen to you every day, when I listen to you I feel different, after a long day at work and after dinner I go in my room and listen to you it relaxes me because you remind me about how much God loves me about how much love you inspire the world about God. Thank you. You are a blessing to me…

- Thank you, Bruce, for all your talks. You have helped me enormously to better understand how much God loves us and how the Holy Spirit works within us and, especially, how to interpret the Bible. I wish I had known these things 50 years ago!! God bless you and Rosemary and your ministry. The world needs you more than ever.
- Thank you Bruce your message hit a few points for me. I have always pushed them down, now maybe I need to bring them to the surface and face them. I live in South Africa and ask you to pray for our country.

- I look forward to your talk every day. So down to earth. I have read your book Personal Prayer. Loved it and am reading it and using it for prayer time. Thank you.
- Bruce you are doing supplying an amazing ministry. I listen to you every morning before I get out of bed. I pray for you and your team every night and in my daily Rosary and yesterday at Mass I offered up my Mass for you. Your daily messages have and are doing wonderful things in my life. I pray that you receive enough resources to keep your ministry going and expanding. I give regularly to you each fortnight, would like it to be more but just cannot stretch anymore at this stage. God Bless you and your team, keep up this wonderful ministry.

- Thank you, Bruce you have helped me tremendously as you allow me to understand things so easily. Keep it up.
- Bruce, I look forward to your daily messages. They are truly a high light every day and really seem to be just what I need.
- Very interesting message, keep up the good work. You are truly helping me to cope with everyday living

- Bruce, your daily videos bless me in so many ways. I too have been married for many years, have 5 children and 10 grandchildren so I feel like you “get” me. Watching you every day is like interacting with a trusted friend. You understand. You open the Scriptures for me, helping me to see things in a different way. You challenge me!
- Thank you for your wise word they touched me today and have made me realise fear is holding me back from getting help that I need to make changes. Thank you, Bruce and your team. God bless you all this day and may He continue to guide and keep you

- Thank you Bruce for your comforting words. They strengthen my thoughts and give me insight that we all have our struggles and giants in our lives to deal with. My strength comes from putting all in Gods hands, taking one step at a time, one day at a time ????????
- I really look forward to listening to you every morning before I get out of bed. It helps me tremendously for the rest of the day. Overcoming your giants has really touched me. A very big thanks Bruce. You have made a difference to my life.