We are Called to be Heroes

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4 years ago

Thank you Bruce and Rosemary. Brilliant powerful teachings. God bless you and your team.

4 years ago

Praying for you Bruce and Family
Prayers of thanksgiving to God the Father for everythimg He has done.
Praying for our nation, President. Irphans, and widows. Those incarcerated and the church, and Pastors

Thanking God in advance for new job and new business. Praise God.
Father. I thank you for being so good to me.

Susanne Williamson
4 years ago

Dear Bruce,
I looked forward to your Sunday word. Come as you are hit a cord with in.
Your Homily, also, struck a note, Sin is doing something that displeases God. I acknowledge my weakness but thanks to Surrender I feel a calm with in.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart; thank you Rosemary as well.

Sharron Dixon
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce and Rosemary for your faith. Please pray for the faith of our children and for the welfare of our daughter and new baby due to be delivered on Friday.Thank you Jesus for all our blessings.

Annmarie Baltov
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce and Rosemary for helping me stay connected with God on a daily basis. I look forward to listening to your message and thank you and your team sincerely, for all your efforts to bring daily reflections, music and prayer services to those of us listening. May your message continue to spread and be heard and may God bless you abundantly!

4 years ago

Thank you for this amazing journey this year since Ash Wednesday. God is great!
Blessings to you and your family and your whole team Bruce and Rosemary.
Thank you for all your wonderful work bringing God’s love to the world. The music is so beautiful too.
Stay safe.

4 years ago

Thank you Bruce for your inspirational teachings. Is it possible for us to be able to download the songs only sung at these sessions?

We pray for the service you , Rosemary and the group offer is spread to all the nations!
Yours in Christ,

4 years ago

An infilling (keep being filled) of the Holy Spirit (the all powerful Spirit which raised Jesus, who lives in us) our Helper, is the means of Grace which empowers one to overcome our weaknesses. For too long in my denomination the Holy Spirit has sadly been the forgotten member of the Trinity.
Blessings to you and your Team

Valerie Simms
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce and Rosemary for another powerful, edifying, spirit filled message! I don’t know why I thought the passage in Matthew 13:24- 30 of the wheat and weeds had to do with believers in Christ and non believers! Feelings of unworthiness has plagued me most of my life, stemming from childhood. The successions of rejections and failures in relationships, study and occupation in the past resulted in suppressed anger that came to the fore most explosively after having had cancer. I thought by seeking professional and even spiritual counselling for many years in the area of my physical health… Read more »

Deanna-Jane Sumner
4 years ago

Your message today is so much better than the chart in Heaven with my name on it and the stars for all of my good deeds. Perhaps there is one, but now I know the stars are not taken away for all of the weeds I have in my field. God Bless you, Rosemary, and your team. #GodIsInControl

4 years ago

Thank you for your words. Thank you for helping me bring myself to God with all my brokenness and mistakes but still feel loved and encouraged and supported.

Carole Swift
4 years ago

Love that song, God bless your musicians and singing team! How do I get that sheet music?

Deanna Francke
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce & Rosemary for all the work you do & sharing your faith with us.
May God Bless you both and the team abundantly.

Odell Roundtree
Reply to  Deanna Francke
4 years ago

Bruce and Rosemary,

Thank you for sharing the gospel!!!

Charles Lewicki
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce and Rosemary for your inspirational message.When I first saw this come up on Facebook page,I did do my research as I thought to myself.Is this Bruce guy a “breakaway ” catholic,who was using the name “catholic” as a means to draw people away from The True Church.Or is he just another “TV” evangelist preaching about himself and making dollars doing it.After researching your Ministry,I was delighted that you ,with the support of your wife are trying to reach out to the *unchurched” or using the term I am familiar with “the churchless millions”! I see it is… Read more »

Leonie Cornell
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce for once again speaking to what I need to hear. I love the idea of God and myself intertwined. And I know that God uses weak people all the time and does amazing things through them, because they know they are weak and it is God working in them. I like to think of what Jesus said, that we should come as children. This means we know we are not in control, we totally trust our parent , our Father God, and we know that we are loved and nothing we do can end up making our… Read more »

Elisa Reyen Portillo
4 years ago

God bless you for what you do.

Kat A
4 years ago

This was one of your best ever..
Thank you for your words. God Bless you..

4 years ago
