Personal Prayer - 4th December

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Donna Redfearn
4 months ago


4 months ago

Thank you Bruce

4 months ago

Thank you. I’m struggling with prayer. How do you find something different to say every day? I truly hope that I can improve. 🇿🇦

Trevor Knuckey
4 months ago

Many thanks for sharing your time of prayer with us viewers, Bruce. It was powerful stuff. Our Lady at Medjugorje continually tells us to pray from the heart and now after seeing you I know better what She means. Thank you again.

Rosemary Jordan
4 months ago


Eileen Mahoney
4 months ago

Bruce, Thank you for taking us through the steps of your personal prayers. After many years of listening to you talk about it, it was such a blessing to pray this way with you.

Clare Turner
4 months ago

Thank you Bruce, you have shared with us in a most remarkable way. I am so appreciative

2 months ago

Bruce I want to thank you for going through the personal prayer steps in this way with us. I purchased your book a while ago and this has given me the urge to do this, which I am so grateful for . I am going back to 3 December 23 and starting as a pre Lent for me as I did not do it over Advent. I am so glad a can re-listen to your messages. After many years of listening to you talk about it, it was such a blessing to pray this way with you. Your guidance has… Read more »