Living For His Good Pleasure In 2025 - 31st January

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James Vote
6 days ago

Thank you, Bruce, this has been a very good opening series for 2025, each scripture you have shared has opened my eyes to the amazing depth of God’s Love for me. May His Divine Will Bless us all with Love, Joy and Peace.

Reply to  James Vote
5 days ago

Gee… you covered everything I have nothing more to say

Devika J
6 days ago

Living a righteous life is very challenging in this world today. However the scripture verses that you chose for this series have guided me to understand the importance of being righteous. Thank you

Grace Curmi
6 days ago

Hi Bruce I like listening to you every morning when I’m having my breakfast and it help me go through my day .my husband just retired from his job after nearly 40years we learning to live together in every day life with out any arguments please pray for us to be healthy and happy for the rest of our lives.thank you Grace

6 days ago

Interesting fact.
God never changes.
Through prayer WE change.

6 days ago

God Bless

6 days ago

Bruce, it is the way you explain the scripture phrases you highlight – the everyday examples etc – and also the personal chit-chat living experiences you’ve had that are examples of God’s action … of whatever, that are so helpful.
It is also the reality of your own faith; the fact that you obviously practise what you preach that is so encouraging.
Choice of which scripture is very important. (I don’t think that’s what you’re asking for, I think the Lord does that for you!)

6 days ago

The scriptures particularly today have been a great reminder that being obedient to God in my salvation is a serious thing, not to take this calling lightly, though sometimes through the mumdane things I do this is easy for this to fade into the background, but all I do is important in my journey with Him, and that fear is not a negative word but rather a reminder that God is soverign, this is serious, because he loves me, and of coarse all who come to Him.

6 days ago

Your commentary on Paul’s instruction in Phillipians affirmed to me that God has laid Salvation out before us. The teaching clearly reminds us that it is now our turn to respond as believers by doing our part by participating in the challenge and set before us in this Scripture.

Suzana Zdilar
6 days ago

Bruce, With a humble heart, I have to say that I have experienced validation I’m on the right path due to this lovely series, particularly through the final 3 videos. Thank-you to you, Rosemary and your organisation and all those who support you.

6 days ago

Bruce you simplify the gospel by translating it into our daily lives and giving us the examples in everyday living.
God Bless you and Rosemary

Donna Redfearn
6 days ago

Every day there is something to ponder on

6 days ago

A great series! I have taken a good look at myself. My prayers have been lacking something. This series has opened my eyes that God is always beside me and I need to show him how much I love and appreciate him. I’m doing this with prayer and fasting!. God is great!

6 days ago

As I journey down the path of righteousness with God, I find the need to repent of past hurts. Things I’ve buried for years are popping into my mind and niggling my consciousness. Whilst I leave the confessional, more occurrences arise and I must return for another round. I have returned to holy mass more seriously rather than when suitable. Holiness works within it seems and then the light shines without. I wish holiness in me to be real and not an outward pretence. Bless 2025 has raised issues within that are directing my path towards my loving God, even… Read more »

Janet Nienaber
6 days ago

Bruce this helped me for the first time in my Christian life to start the new year with God’s plans and not mine, to help me through a hard start. To get me to stay Gods plans nor mine. Thank you Bruce

6 days ago

This series has helped guide me how to treat other people with the respect that everyone deserves, also to be more disciplined in prayer which I am still working on. My goal is to stand before God at the end of this year and be able to say I have grown – thank you to you and your team for showing me there is so much more than just going to church – God bless you all

Dianne Meredith
6 days ago

Thank you Bruce. This has challenged me and has set up my mind set and focus for the year ahead to be righteous. The bible readings are so validating. And I am more confident in reading the bible. I have a hunger to go deeper in my relationship with God

6 days ago

Good morning Bruce, the start of 2025 has had some challenges for me and my family and I’m so thankful to the Holy Spirit for each morning’s scripture that has encouraged me to do exactly this – to work out my salvation.
Each morning has been really personal for me and I do want to thank you and Rosemary for discerning what the Spirit is doing, thousands of miles away from Australia in South Africa.
Both of you have a really special way of explaining scripture which for me is really special. Thank you

Heather Whipp
6 days ago

This series has made me aware if I am heading off the path that God wants me to follow, to stop and think through what I should be doing. It happens in an instant and I make an adjustment to put myself onto the right path.

6 days ago

Bruce your daily talks are an encouragement to me to spend time with my God. I tend to get lost sometimes and forget to spend time daily with my loving God, but then your email pops up and draws me back, so thank you for all you do.

6 days ago

I feel the explanation of the Gospel has been a great help to me. As a person who has returned to Sunday Mass after years of absent, your explanation of the Gospel, which I personally have not experienced by the Priest at Sunday Mass, just words.
Hopefully this year my prayer life will improve with more meaning by getting to know Jesus more. Looking fwd to the next series

6 days ago

I have found that I think and chat more to God/Jesus as I go about my chores. I probably talk more when I am diriving, and I am striving to make Jesus /God/Holy Spirit the centre of my life…..Mmmm as I said I am trying to do this, but not always succeeding!Thank you Bruce and Rosemary for your passion in trying to bring more souls to Jesus.

6 days ago

Sorry, I meant driving…..should my proofreading skills improve?

John Brewster
6 days ago

Hi Bruce

A beneficial series in that you outlined several practical ways to achieve the goal of being right

Ann McCuish
6 days ago

Really made me think more deeply and more seriously about my daily life and my interactions with others…Thank you so much..

Rosemary Jordan
6 days ago

Thankyou sincerely since you an the ministry were sent to me I have gained much needed understanding of gods word ,I’ll be honest with you, I’ve been a “wooden” catholic for years ,never really read or understood the bible but I’m now learning how to and I’m 79 so I thank god for your help before it’s to late, god bless you all

6 days ago

Thank you Bruce. I have decided to be closer to the Lord this year..Your message today has guided me how I can achieve my goal for this year. ” Work out my Salvation with fear and trembling” Your explanations of this passage have helped me to understand how I can go about it. .
Thank you as always,

6 days ago

Which bible are u using Bruce? I always seem to find the passages in my bible. Thank you again for a great way to start my day.

Susan Blodgett
6 days ago

This is a year of change for me. This series has given me lots to think about in how i respond . Than you for your insight

6 days ago

Bruce, this series certainly opened my mind to thinking about my faith in the new year. While I considered traditional new year plans, working to become more righteous before the Lord was not one of them. I am still working out my faith goals for 2025. What is the Lord asking me to commit to? What actions do I need to focus on to deepen my relationship with God? The scripture passages you explain are helpful in understanding and applying the messages in the bible to my journey. I am still praying with my questions and the scripture passages. I… Read more »

Daryl Fenski
6 days ago

Your program has encouraged me to pray with thought, in your words not just empty words, but to think about our daily walk with our savior.

6 days ago

Thanks Bruce. Today’s Devotional really reminded me that you have to continuously strive to perform God’s will. Not just appearing at Mass and reading scripture. You need to do what the scripture says.

6 days ago

Thank you, Bruce. This daily devotion is amazing the scriptures you read have opened my eyes to God Love and able to listen to this devotion, every day is a blessing thank you for your devotions

6 days ago

Hi Bruce, a few years ago a friend sent me one of your videos and the message really touched me (yes it was a Lent video). I can honestly say that I have grown and I particularly love when you remind us that it is God who is speaking us. Many passages are clearer to me now and this truly helps with my journey.
I am the only Catholic in my household and sometimes it’s a bit “lonely” however, your messages always put me back on track.
I thank God for the wonderful work you and your ministry are doing.

6 days ago

Bruce I decided in 2025 to read the entire Bible. I have a study guide so I do an old testament reading and then a new testament reading. By the end of the year I will be complete so I can say to God yes I read your word every day. It was your encouragement that helped me to do this

Debra Ordway
5 days ago

This month of January 2025 I learned so much on scriptures that lead us to righteousness in following our beliefs, our goals and our testimonies stay focused on the path to make good, and what we believe it has been an inspiration in my life starting this year. I been with your devotions for a total of four years has made me closer to my heavenly father and understanding to why we are here on this earth thank you

5 days ago

Hello Bruce,
Have enjoyed the way your presentation in this series. You have made clear the need to be open to the way God wants you to be open with him. Thank you so much I love listening to you explain the Bible every morning.

Kay Rossow
5 days ago

“Take a look at this passage”….I have learned from you how to take a passage apart and understand more deeply what eace part means and how to use God’s Word to direct my life in Him.

Dave Jochem
5 days ago

Bruce, you have helped me immensely in finding the peace of God within myself

Rosario luna
5 days ago

Bruce I have listened to you for the last 3 years I’ve learned so much From listening to your daily Prayers.

Anne Livingstone
5 days ago

You asked for comments, on Ph. And the part that speaks to me is that, I have to work out MY own salvation. I’ve been worried about my kids (young adults) salvation and this year I’ve been focusing on my own and letting God figure out their salvation. I loved you reiterating the fact, that we can only work out our own salvation and to do it with seriousness. There’s a lot more to it of course but that’s all for now. Peace Bruce!

5 days ago

In your explanation of this passage today I would not have understood it as you explained it. Breaking down in small parts helps me to achieve my goals at being righteous.

5 days ago

Bruce, thank you for the daily devotion. Your daily messages has built my spiritual life and I have shared with many and they too have grown in faith. I am so grateful for all you do in serving and sharing God’s word. , may the Lord continue bless and grant you endurance to share…

Isabel Jimenez
5 days ago

Amen 🙏

5 days ago

Your series have transformed my life spiritually and depenth my relationship with God I would like you to do a series a out the Armour of the Holy Spirit,God bless you abundantly.

Mary Valan
5 days ago

Thank you Bruce, you ask me to look deeper into scripture and know its meaning. This has helped me understand it more. I have to start highlighting more though and reread it with those highlights, thus getting greater understanding and meaning in my life. By the way, you looked good in that shirt, I liked the colors. Bless you and your family.

5 days ago

I was in the process of coming back to the faith. The Holy Spirit teaching assisted me in returning, I now grow in the Love of our LORD and keep learning every day with many teachings on the LORD. I’ve come a long way over the past few years, yet I still have a long road ahead of me.

5 days ago

I am a work in progress. I’m 78 and since I’ve been listening to you (it’s been 3 years come lent) I have changed. One of my defects is not seeing the change but longing for perfection. My continued listening to you has changed me in many ways. I now journal during my prayer time. I now read the bible. I am so much more aware of God around me and in me. I feel like an infant but I feel so good. Life is life and I now go to God instead of the negative. Thank you for your… Read more »

5 days ago

God is always with Us, through our prayers we make thru Jesus Thanks Bruce🙏

Sally B.
5 days ago

Bruce, your thoughts during the first month of the new year have brought forth the importance of righteousness for all of us. Your daily Bible readings are very oertinent. Thank you.

5 days ago

God is with me. I feel His Presence and I do feel Holy. I praise God constantly even in my and family’s darkest times. This series has been awesome for me. Thank you Bruce