Finishing Well - Day 3

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Valerie Simms
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce and Rosemary for this uplifting message today on Celebrating goodness in God and within each other! Happy Birthday to you Bruce in advance!!! When you mentioned Bruce that you wanted something BIG! I immediately pictured you with the BIGGEST TEDDY!!!
I’m sure that is not what you wanted!!! I’m also sure that Rosemary will have a better idea than mine!!! May the Lord bless you both and all the dedicated members in the ministry with all your families in this coming New Year!!!

Deanna Francke
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce & Rosemary for all that you do the whole year round in drawing us closer to God.
May you have a good & Blessed New Year with family & friends.
Happy Birthday Bruce in advance may you get everything you wished for.
Cheers Deanna????

John McCabe
3 years ago

Dear Bruce and Rosemary Thank You for your continuous Prayer. All this happened on this Christmas Eve On Christmas Eve I was taken back to the hospital with cellulitis it had returned with a vengeance and fever, my wife Dorothy was coming in behind me with my drugs and C-pack machine. Dorothy had a stroke, as she was coming into emergency a doctor took her into me and she sat down, I noticed her mouth was slightly dropped I said to the doctor that I must have just had a stroke, as she could not speak, the Doctor, led her… Read more »

Helen Pederson
3 years ago

Thank you both for the lovely message from you both. Happy birthday Bruce am sure Rosemary has something special planned for your special day,. You never did tell us the color of the socks that you were expecting.!!!for Christmas.
Enjoy your Day. The mind boggles at the something big. So many options available in that category.

Bruce Downes
Reply to  Helen Pederson
3 years ago

Hi Helen
I got two pairs of black socks as expected and a kneeler to use in prayer made by my son. It is beautiful and I am very grateful
Stay well.

Sandie Murray
3 years ago

You two are so much fun! Keep celebrating each other as the gifts from God that you were meant to be to each other!! Hey Bruce, when is your birthday???????

Bruce Downes
Reply to  Sandie Murray
3 years ago

Hello Sandie,
my birthday is Jan 5. I pray you are well.

Teresa Weinmann
3 years ago

Happy birthday Bruce, It’s my birthday too. I turn 65 today.

Laura A Minogue
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce and Rosemary for your ministry. Please keep me and my family in your prayers as we are going through a very tough time right now. Thank you for reminding us to lift up our hearts and minds to God and find the good through the bad, the light through the darkness! God Bless you!