Staying Connected to Jesus - 4th October

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2 years ago

I have submitted a donation and clicked the box to receive the new eBook about Mary. I’ve checked my emails and have received the invoice but not the link to the book. Will that come through as a separate email?
Thank you.

Sandra Purcell (ADMIN)
Reply to  Cherrie
2 years ago

Hi Cherrie, you can find the link to the e-book on the invoice. I hope it blesses you. Sandra – BDCM Team

Reply to  Sandra Purcell (ADMIN)
2 years ago

Thanks Sandra. I checked the invoice but it didn’t contain a link. Can you please resend?

Reply to  Cherrie
2 years ago

Dear Cherrie, I am sending you the link right now. Please just check your email. Thank you for your support of this Ministry.God Bless Rosemary Downes

Michael Terry
2 years ago

I look forward to receiving the Mary book. God bless you

2 years ago

Thank you Bruce. Paid and downloaded the PDF. Have a Blessed Day!

Anna Radway
2 years ago

Hi Bruce, I hear daily and weekly. Although my contribution is small I wake up to hear you. You have made a difference in my life in that I need the gospel every day. I just wondered how come I have not received The Holy Spirit book that you have released. I did purchase it and have been waiting for it in my mail. Please advise.

2 years ago

i have downloaded the book, and already begun reading, straight after Bruce finished praying. Thank you so much for this book, which is now on my phone and right where I can reach whenever I want or need to reflect on her life, her following of God and my own journey as well.

2 years ago

Good morning 😊 and thank You 😊 Bruce&Rosemary ❤️ For giving and letting Us know the gift’s of Mary ❤️ Through Jesus Christ ❤️. 🙏 .

2 years ago

Love the excitement you have to share… may all who read this book be enlightened to the Holy Spirits prompting… We are so blessed to have Him “on call” 24-7!!! Mary is so very dear to my heart and I ask her to join my every prayer and feel confident that she does! Be blessed Bruce continue to make a difference

Gerald Speckhals
2 years ago

Can I receive it with out paying

Judy Obee
2 years ago

Your daily devotional today was so meaningful for me. I live in the midst of vineyards so it’s not difficult to meditate on my need to stay connected to God. Thank you and God Bless you and your family.

1 year ago


Kathy higdon
1 year ago

God bless you Bruce for bringing so many of us closer to God!