I've Got Nothing - 28th October

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2 years ago

Thank you Rosemary for stepping in for Bruce, I pray Bruce will fully recover soon and thank God for your words and beautiful encouragement Rosemary to bring what we have to our Lord no matter how small, knowing he will take it and work with it in his Glory. Amen

Reply to  Amanda
2 years ago


2 years ago

Thank you Beautiful Rosie, for stepping in and helping Bruce out . I have loved listening to your Daily devotions all this week they are always so Wise , Wonderful and very inspiring and encouraging . Love how you always explain stuff so simply and ways in which you can practically apply to your everyday life. Will continue to Pray That Jesus Savior, Jesus Lord and Compassionate friend pours his Healing Love & graces on Bruce and wishing him a very speedy recovery back to full health. We ask this in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen , Amen, Amen. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 🕊️🕊️🕊️😇😇😇🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌹🌹🌹🌹🌻🌻🌻🌻… Read more »

2 years ago

Thank you Rosemary for stepping in for Bruce and reminding me in this message of how our Lord can make possible, what seems impossible. How He can make something out of our nothing! This brings me back many years ago, a Christian Art Teacher told me in confidence once, that to the world I could appear as a nobody, but to God I will always be somebody to Him…Thank you again for reminding me that the Lord can bring something out of the very little that I have for His Glory! I will keep praying for Bruce, that he recovers… Read more »

Donna Redfearn
2 years ago

Well done dear lady

2 years ago

Thank you Rosemary for today’s message. It is a great reminder for me to remember to bring him my nothingness so he can bless it and make something out of nothing. I have enjoyed all your messages this week. I continue to lift Bruce up in healing prayers. (Tell him to change out his toothbrush! Get rid of those germs!!)

2 years ago

Thank you Rosemary. Bruce is in my prayers and all your family. God bless.

Susan Breiding
2 years ago

Thank you Rosemary. Very timely for me. You are a gift to me today and I am so grateful forYou and this ministry for bringing something out of my nothing.

Marie Appo
2 years ago

Thank you Rosemary for your encouraging message .God Bless you .We pray for the healing anointing of Jesus to be on Bruce for a complete healing thank you Lord

Grace hope
2 years ago

Thanks Rosemary that was a blessing.

Debbie Wyszynski
2 years ago

Thank you so much Rosemary for stepping up and continuing the daily devotionals. You and Bruce make such a wonderful team. I am sure not being able to do his daily routines are very difficult for him I am praying for peace in his heart as the Lord heals him in his timing. I know that God will be faithful and that the ministries work will continue. God bless you both.

Deanna Francke
2 years ago

Thank you Rosemary for stepping in for Bruce and raising such a poignant point about our nothingness and He can turn it into something. Yes, that’s our God who can make all things possible.
Advise Bruce to take it easy I think he’s trying to get up & go too quickly. Shall keep him & all of you in my prayers.💐🙏

2 years ago

Lovely Rosemary thank you

2 years ago

Thank you Rosemary. God bless you and Bruce you are both in our prayers.

Janet Black
2 years ago

thank Rosemary

Debbie Pennoyer
2 years ago

What a beautiful devotional. It was exactly what I needed❤️. Blessings upon you. From Debbie in Canada

Jen Holland
2 years ago

Ou are beautiful Rosemary