Thank you Bruce for being the God person in my life
John T
4 years ago
Thanks Bruce, this talk today highlights almost exactly what has been happening in my life, persecution has come in a very small way, however I’ve treated it in part as a bit of religious bantering, on the other hand in a lighter form I’ve been asked to pray, or to polish the steps on the ladder to heaven ???? or, here’s another one of John’s God bothering messages, as I tend to forward every so often some of your talks that I feel has a very good message that will help them. Whilst I take my faith and believes seriously,… Read more »
4 years ago
For our youth. May all lives matter including aborted babies. May God ‘s Spirit bring revival to replace anger and revenge.
4 years ago
I was reassured after hearing your message this am. My sister and I only yesterday spoke about how we hope our example will be our witness of our faith to our family. And I understand the ribbing one can get but I do not let it get under my skin. The latest was laughter from 2 of my adult children and grandchildren when I told them I was booking a seat to attend Mass when our churches opened again for 10 to attend. Lord I pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit I can be a witness in… Read more »
Valerie Simms
4 years ago
Thank you Bruce for this message that I am seeing late in the evening as today has not gone according to any of my plans! Perhaps it has gone according to God’s plans! Battling through and persevering on top of added tasks in order to help a sick loved one. Having Italian blood in me it is very difficult for me not to talk, persuade, link the conversation back to religion, bring up the lives of saints and holy people as examples to follow! Well today there was none of that! Only practical advice and physical assistance. Not even looking… Read more »
4 years ago
World peace. End abortion. Souls in Purgatory most in need of my prayers. Bring my children back to the Church and to the Sacraments. Strengthen my faith.
Leonie M Cornell
4 years ago
Than k you so much for this message. As usually it is exactly what I need to hear. I trust God for my family and ask You Lord to open my heart to show the power of your Holy Spirit, and love. May my words and presence bring your presence into the lives of everyone I meet.
Laura Andary
4 years ago
Hi Bruce
I am feeling the Prompting of The Holy Spirit,I would like to join you at calling The Holy Spirit To come and renew us ,our family and the earth. Can you please send me some additional stuff beside your Sunday teaching.
Thank you and God bless you Laura
dena-antoinette chisholm
3 years ago
PRAY for my 125 trillion body & T-cells 2 line up ‘n the PERFECT DNA & RNA ORDER GOD CREATED them ;PRAY all prions & bad cells dropped ‘n 2 a bottomless pit; w. no destination or U-turn;
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Thank you Bruce for being the God person in my life
Thanks Bruce, this talk today highlights almost exactly what has been happening in my life, persecution has come in a very small way, however I’ve treated it in part as a bit of religious bantering, on the other hand in a lighter form I’ve been asked to pray, or to polish the steps on the ladder to heaven ???? or, here’s another one of John’s God bothering messages, as I tend to forward every so often some of your talks that I feel has a very good message that will help them. Whilst I take my faith and believes seriously,… Read more »
For our youth. May all lives matter including aborted babies. May God ‘s Spirit bring revival to replace anger and revenge.
I was reassured after hearing your message this am. My sister and I only yesterday spoke about how we hope our example will be our witness of our faith to our family. And I understand the ribbing one can get but I do not let it get under my skin. The latest was laughter from 2 of my adult children and grandchildren when I told them I was booking a seat to attend Mass when our churches opened again for 10 to attend. Lord I pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit I can be a witness in… Read more »
Thank you Bruce for this message that I am seeing late in the evening as today has not gone according to any of my plans! Perhaps it has gone according to God’s plans! Battling through and persevering on top of added tasks in order to help a sick loved one. Having Italian blood in me it is very difficult for me not to talk, persuade, link the conversation back to religion, bring up the lives of saints and holy people as examples to follow! Well today there was none of that! Only practical advice and physical assistance. Not even looking… Read more »
World peace. End abortion. Souls in Purgatory most in need of my prayers. Bring my children back to the Church and to the Sacraments. Strengthen my faith.
Than k you so much for this message. As usually it is exactly what I need to hear. I trust God for my family and ask You Lord to open my heart to show the power of your Holy Spirit, and love. May my words and presence bring your presence into the lives of everyone I meet.
Hi Bruce
I am feeling the Prompting of The Holy Spirit,I would like to join you at calling The Holy Spirit To come and renew us ,our family and the earth.
Can you please send me some additional stuff beside your Sunday teaching.
Thank you and God bless you
PRAY for my 125 trillion body & T-cells 2 line up ‘n the PERFECT DNA & RNA ORDER GOD CREATED them ;PRAY all prions & bad cells dropped ‘n 2 a bottomless pit; w. no destination or U-turn;