Mid Week Prayer Service

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Peter Rutherford
4 years ago

This is a prayer request: Dear Lord, I pray for good health and financial assistance . Please bring my family back to the practice of the faith. I pray for all those in Victoria who are battling corona virus. Help all those who have been touched by corona virus. Thank You. Dear Lord.

Peter Rutherford
4 years ago

Prayer Request.

Peter Rutherford
4 years ago

Not a discussion but a prayer request.

Peter Dwyer
Reply to  Peter Rutherford
4 years ago

Peter, for a prayer request, you are meant to touch the square with the word “Prayer” directly below the viewing screen. I hope this helps

4 years ago

My nephew is positive for the virus. May he not endanger anybody else and God heals him. Pray for the areas where covid is spreading .
Pray specially for 4 children in Ecuador and for the government in that country

Lisa Davis
4 years ago

Please Father God help all of us who need your forgiveness and your help to get through the trials and tribulations that we face in these times. You are all powerful and capable Lord of anything , we are in awe of your glory and this world that you have created.

Lisa Davis
4 years ago

Please God, forgive us for our human frailties and the sins of our youths and give us the strength to live the rest of our lives as we should glorifying your name.

4 years ago

Please pray for my family’s covid tests to be negative and for a member of the family who is on oxygen after being covid +