Mid Week Prayer Service

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4 years ago

what a wonderful, spiritual and meaningful service. Thank you God for using Bruce and the wonderful singers to bless all of us. Thank you for prayers answered.

Martin Aniah
4 years ago

I have missed today’s service but pray that God will grant me time to join you on Sunday. I thank you for the good work you are doing for us.

Daysi M Franco
4 years ago

Bruce thank you..I love listening to you,is like I’m listening to God himself talking to me thru you..I wish I have the wisdom you have from God…I thank you for all you do in bringing God to my heart.

Rattanavady Genevieve Luangrathrajasombat
4 years ago

AMEN thank you for the praying .GOD continues to Blessing your Ministries {Rosemary,Bruce your Family ,The Singers voices Echoing Sweetly in the screens And Staff.Amen

John Mc
4 years ago

Thank you for Teaching Bruce you opened up my heart and soul where I am living here there is no support, but the only way was to pray. our Lord Jesus has never let me down. I received last Wednesday scripture lesson but nothing since I find it very difficult not to receive teaching help if it is possible could you please Thursday and today teaching.thank you I will continue to pray for the new disciples and support them in prayer, O Gracious Lord pour your Graces for those in service please Lord Jesus hold them in the palm of… Read more »