Thank you Bruce for today’s message.I feel like I am on the right track as I have been praying the PERSONAL prayer everyday. I haven’t managed to pray for fifteen minutes though as I write down several words that come to mind.I then write down scripture verses that speak to me when I come to the letter N for Nourish. Today it was 30 minutes. I have prayed with you Bruce. I’m wondering if the first video you have released is the only one. I have watched this video about 5 times now and seem to be able to pray… Read more »
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Thank you Bruce for today’s message.I feel like I am on the right track as I have been praying the PERSONAL prayer everyday. I haven’t managed to pray for fifteen minutes though as I write down several words that come to mind.I then write down scripture verses that speak to me when I come to the letter N for Nourish. Today it was 30 minutes. I have prayed with you Bruce. I’m wondering if the first video you have released is the only one. I have watched this video about 5 times now and seem to be able to pray… Read more »