Resurrection Living - His Presence

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John T
4 years ago

Thanks Bruce, another gentle reminder that we don’t always need to fill our prayers with a lengthy dialogue of words and sometimes loose the meaning of what we are trying to say to God, when we can just sit in his presence and be with God

Reply to  John T
4 years ago

Amen! I have been striving to enter the rest in and of God. Finally, with Bruce’s teaching, I realise it is a surrender in His presence.

Steve A
4 years ago

Hi bruce, i have always struggled with praying in silence, & keeping notes. todays message was really great & i wondered if you might organise a pod cast to help people to prsy in silence….
many thsnks for all that you do. cheers

steve a

Reply to  Steve A
4 years ago

Do you have Bruce’s book on personal prayer? Once the disipline is established, the richness and Blessings come. Easy, quick read. Really enjoyable book

4 years ago

Thank you, Bruce. My favoured way of praying, and of guiding others in prayer . . . . . and of being, before entering a Scripture passage.

I join with you in your praying with the people seeking prayerful support at this time. Blessings of peace and well-being to one and all.

Valerie Simms
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce for your practical suggestions to spiritual matters of importance, such as prayer. I look forward to being in the Lord’s presence in silence and feeling Him work within me.
In Christ’s Love

4 years ago

I am practising this….when I went for my walk today, it came to me..thank you

Francis Deary
4 years ago

Thanks Bruce, God bless you and your work!

Leonie M Cornell
4 years ago

I am trying to do silent prayer during my day as well as in my formal times. I like not having to think about what to say. Someone recently suggested that maybe half of all our prayers should be in silence. Love all your messages.

Deanna-Jane Sumner
4 years ago

I had a horrible day yesterday and in the evening posted thIs on FB: If you ever want to know God, on a stressful day when you can hear in your mind others getting upset with you, when people who are supposed to help you don’t, and when loneliness is just too close to you…follow your dogs outside to play and be with them. Sit down and feel the uncalm wind carry away your stress. Take a deep breath and feel the warmth of the sun and the comfort of the shade at the same time. Only God can work… Read more »

Deanna-Jane Sumner
4 years ago

Please pray for Jesse and Paul. Their son, Carlton, was born prematurely on April 25th. Carlton passed away the same day.

Reply to  Deanna-Jane Sumner
4 years ago

How sad for them! I am praying that God leads them to understand that “if He takes them to it, He will take them through it” so they know they will be given the strength and courage to get through this time and that He wraps His arms around them, so they feel the warmth of His love.

Rattanavady Genevieve Luangrathrajasombat
4 years ago

I pray as I have the moment of quietness .rare because of activities in my family is noisy .spasmodic praying
sometimes I am upset with myself JESUS please forgive my weakness .AMEN

Rattanavady Genevieve Luangrathrajasombat
4 years ago

Bruce, I am praying daily and surrendering TO GOD trying to PRAY FOR HIM in my quiet place but my mind temptation distracting. I have been using big headphones shut out the noise in the environment disturbing break my time with GOD TRY on and of them will restart the latter . Inspiring and increase my FAITH AMEN.