Resurrection Living - Strength Now

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4 years ago

I pray that my children and grandchildren return to the faith, that they be guided, inspired and blessed.

Mary B
Reply to  Colleen
4 years ago

I’m praying the same thing and will pray with you.

John Mc
4 years ago

May The Blessing of the Divine Trinity Be upon Bruce, Rosemary, and their wonderful team, may they receive all the gifts that You Heavenly Father can give them, and allow their hearts to be expanded. Thank You Heavenly Father and I glorify Your Holy Name. Thank You.

4 years ago

Please pray for those that I pray for in my daily prayers as they are too numerous to note here
Take care

Grace delutis
4 years ago

Bruce, can we pray for May daughter who has not been able to fall pregnant.
In Jesus name we pray

4 years ago

Thank you Bruce and Rosemary for all you do for our catholic and Christian community. May God abundantly bless you and your family. I pray for the Holy Spirit to come upon my husband and children and help them increase their faith.

4 years ago

Please pray for my brother-in-law John who has just learned that he has leukemia.