THE WEEKLY | Impacters Community: The Quality of Our Encounter with God
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5 months ago
Bruce I love the passion you have for what you are doing and I know you are making a difference in many peoples lives. But I want to tell you that I encounter Jesus every time to go to mass and receive the Eucharist the true body and blood of Jesus Christ. I am fed by the scriptures and the music and the community of people around me. We are experiencing a Eucharist Revival here in the United States. I see it and I feel it. What you are doing is spirit filled and I don’t want you to stop… Read more »
Dear one they are missing the boat..that’s why the ministry is trying to bring them to the desire to attend church!
Raffaella Librandi
5 months ago
Definitely Christ’s encounter with Zacchaeus transformed him. Like you Bruce, your presence and your encounters with us transform us too. Some people find God when they go to church and others do not, because it’s all to do with what you bring in your heart:- repentance, preparedness to change and readiness to receive Jesus. Great message, thank you.
Donna Redfearn
5 months ago
Marijke Stringer
5 months ago
My children were brought up as Catholics. Now they say they don’t need the church. They join a community in a hall and say they feel the spirit of God there. They can confess to God and don’t need priests. It makes me sad and pray that the Holy Spirit will guide them back. Thank you for all your wonderful devotionals. God Bless . Marijke
Thank you Sandie. Yes thank the Lord they had all their sacraments I will pray for your 6 🙏👍
5 months ago
You and the ministry will be blessed for your diligence and obedience. Revival starts with each one of us.. Fire them up!!! Make them so thirsty they can’t resist! You and Rosemary and the entire team glorify Him.. in your thoughts words and actions. You shall be blessed beyond your wildest dreams😉 here and in Heaven!
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Bruce I love the passion you have for what you are doing and I know you are making a difference in many peoples lives. But I want to tell you that I encounter Jesus every time to go to mass and receive the Eucharist the true body and blood of Jesus Christ. I am fed by the scriptures and the music and the community of people around me. We are experiencing a Eucharist Revival here in the United States. I see it and I feel it. What you are doing is spirit filled and I don’t want you to stop… Read more »
Dear one they are missing the boat..that’s why the ministry is trying to bring them to the desire to attend church!
Definitely Christ’s encounter with Zacchaeus transformed him. Like you Bruce, your presence and your encounters with us transform us too. Some people find God when they go to church and others do not, because it’s all to do with what you bring in your heart:- repentance, preparedness to change and readiness to receive Jesus. Great message, thank you.
My children were brought up as Catholics. Now they say they don’t need the church. They join a community in a hall and say they feel the spirit of God there. They can confess to God and don’t need priests. It makes me sad and pray that the Holy Spirit will guide them back. Thank you for all your wonderful devotionals. God Bless . Marijke
I’ll pray for yours and you can pray for my 6👍 Praise God they had all their sacraments which are indelible!😉.
Thank you Sandie. Yes thank the Lord they had all their sacraments I will pray for your 6 🙏👍
You and the ministry will be blessed for your diligence and obedience. Revival starts with each one of us.. Fire them up!!! Make them so thirsty they can’t resist! You and Rosemary and the entire team glorify Him.. in your thoughts words and actions. You shall be blessed beyond your wildest dreams😉 here and in Heaven!
Thankyou Bruce🙏🙏