What the Ascension Means For You

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Eileen Chisari
2 years ago

Bruce, thank you for such a beautiful explanation of the scripture for this time in the liturgical year. I am feeling blessed and my heart is open for more.

2 years ago

Bruce that was very inspiring as always.I leave for Ireland for 4 months next Sunday and am wondering if your message reaches there,if so then I will be happy to continues your valued reflections.Blessings on your new venture and thank you for all that you give to us.

Bruce Downes
Reply to  Sr.Catherine
2 years ago

Hello Sr Catherine

Yes you will find the Messages in Ireland. We have wonderful viewers there.

The first Bishop I spoke to about the Ministry who encouraged me was Bishop Bob Healy, an Irishman. I love the Irish.

Where are you from?

I pray you have a wonderful time in Ireland.

God bless


2 years ago

Thank you, Bruce, for explaining what the Ascension means for us. On Friday, in our parish, we began a Novena to the Holy Spirit for the Seven Gifts in preparation for Pentecost.

2 years ago

A wonderful message today! Thank you

2 years ago

Please pray for the family of my sister-in-law who passed away Friday night after a long illness. She was a godly woman, who will be missed. Thank you, Bruce and your team.

Reply to  Gail
2 years ago


Ellen Culver
2 years ago

Thank you. I look forward to your daily message.

2 years ago

Be very blessed in your every endeavor to serve Him🙏👍

Jacqueline Ryan
2 years ago

I’m from Northern Ireland and I listen to your daily devotions every day. It gives me so much clarity on the teachings from Jesus that I didn’t really understand before. I thank the Lord so much that I’ve found your amazing service. Keep up the good work – Jacqueline Ryan

Lesley Yoneda
2 years ago

I too always imagine Jesus looking down on us. It annoys me when folk say ‘why does Jesus allow this?’ . I always think instead that he weeps with us when bad things happen. He’s forever with us, every moment of every day, sharing all joys and sorrows. Amen.

Mary Elizabeth
2 years ago

Bruce, what a enlightening talk you gave today on The Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. It brought tears to my eyes in already knowing and believing that Jesus is preparing a place in heaven in heaven for me. I already believe this because my son, my parents, family, love ones and friends have gone before me. To make it through each day without them knowing this I can live a life of Hope knowing I will be with them again one day. First time really hearing that Jesus intercedes for us. I know it was the Holy Spirit that… Read more »

2 years ago

Please pray for my son and his children

2 years ago

Thank you for your lesson.

Rosemary Littfin
2 years ago

Your daily message enriches my walk with Christ. Thank you

Geraldine Smith
2 years ago

I would like to sing in the choir and walk through beautiful gardens without having to pull out any weeds!! Thankyou Bruce

Patricia Edgar
2 years ago

Ian ready to embrace theHoly Spirit in the absence of Jesus Christ who is now seated in heaven with God, the Father.

Susan Dudek
2 years ago

Blessings Bruce! We all need to learn how to listen. “Speak, Lord, I’m listening” The song by Gary Ault , says: Speak, Lord, I’m listening, Plant your word down deep in me. Speak, Lord, I’m listening, Please show me the way.
Amen 🙏🏼 ❤️

Barbara Naylor
2 years ago

Please pray for my Son Jens who has had Pneumonia twice in three months 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻, Thank you

2 years ago

Even a second time this word is Beautiful, Thank You 😊 Bruce and Team. May God ❤️ Bless You’re New Work Location 😊 with much Love ❤️