Convincing of Sin

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Jeanette Easton
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce for today, just what I needed to hear as I have a decision to make and even though my Faith is so strong and I talk to God all the time hearing what you just said just reinforces everything. God Bless You. Jeanette

Valerie Simms
4 years ago

Bruce I saw this message and heard you but because I was in such a hurry I didn’t have the time to write down all the important insights and advice you were giving me. As a result I feel I made some mistakes and poor judgements today! I’ll be asking the Lord to forgive me, help me to turn around and start again tomorrow. A new day, a new way of implementing prayer when making decisions with the Holy Spirit leading me and guiding me, teaching me and correcting me. I need to be still. I need to make time… Read more »

Deanna Francke
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce just the sort of advice I am needing right now as I am faced with a lot of decisions to make and feel that I am at the crossroads of my life. I am sure this can be said for a few of us as there are always decisions to be made. I will beckon the Holy Spirit to come into my life and guide me in the right direction. May God Bless you, Rosemary & the team abundantly and give you all the resources you need to carry on your work.

June crosslet
Reply to  Deanna Francke
4 years ago

Thank you for today’s post. Pray for my son a d myself that the Holy Spirit will guide us in our present tribulations.Holy Spirit show us the way