Thank you Bruce start the day with you every morning
Donna Redfearn
16 days ago
15 days ago
Thank you!
Jeanne Koetsier
15 days ago
Is there more information about this Advent Mission? Eg how long is each session; how many sessions will there be, an overview? Many thanks.
Ursel Mihelcic
15 days ago
thank you Bruce
15 days ago
can we attend the next conference if we don’t have the extra money to pay for the ticket?
15 days ago
Would love to join a group for the mission event. Anyone from Ottawa here
Deores JacksonHurch
15 days ago
Thank you Bruce for another powerful message on this day November 20 titled “It’s All About the Heart !”. It is definitely what comes through our heart that defines us. May God Bless you and your ministry !! Love you !!
Marilyn Colby
14 days ago
I have been listening for 3 years and today November 21,2024, I didn’t get the daily devotional. Please help.
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Thank you Bruce start the day with you every morning
Thank you!
Is there more information about this Advent Mission? Eg how long is each session; how many sessions will there be, an overview?
Many thanks.
thank you Bruce
can we attend the next conference if we don’t have the extra money to pay for the ticket?
Would love to join a group for the mission event. Anyone from Ottawa here
Thank you Bruce for another powerful message on this day November 20 titled “It’s All About the Heart !”. It is definitely what comes through our heart that defines us. May God Bless you and your ministry !! Love you !!
I have been listening for 3 years and today November 21,2024, I didn’t get the daily devotional. Please help.