Thank you so much Rosemary. You have set me up beautifully for the rest of the day. I shall .listen to this devotional many times over the coming days. Many thabks
1 year ago
Be very blessed for sharing and bringing to the forefront of our minds His great and wondrous and unconditional love He has for each us. Have the joy filled awesome day He has planned, for certain I shall…thanks again and prayers for this ministry go up every day and throughout the day as you are making a difference one person at a time, and the ripple affect is so pleasing to Our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit!
1 year ago
Thank you Rosemary. I have felt like you at times. This morning is one of them. Grateful for your Bible reading and prayer.
Isabel. Jimenez
1 year ago
Amen 🙏
1 year ago
Rosemary, thank you for your prayer of presence and praise.
1 year ago
Thank you Rosemary – I was in a different state of mind than you were, when I came to sit with you and God in this virtual prayer… I was heavily burdened with my children’s attitudes and what seems like selfishness on their part, but when you read the psalm and spoke of how wonderfully made we all are, it helped me to remember how precious and awesome the gift of my children are…. and how it is important that I focus on that rather than falling into retaliation, and frustration and angry words, which will help no one and… Read more »
1 year ago
Thanks Rosemary this was such an inspiring devotion & prayer
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What a wonderful prayer! Thank you Rosemary
Thank you Rosemary!
Praise God for prayers answered!
Thank you so much Rosemary. You have set me up beautifully for the rest of the day. I shall .listen to this devotional many times over the coming days. Many thabks
Be very blessed for sharing and bringing to the forefront of our minds His great and wondrous and unconditional love He has for each us. Have the joy filled awesome day He has planned, for certain I shall…thanks again and prayers for this ministry go up every day and throughout the day as you are making a difference one person at a time, and the ripple affect is so pleasing to Our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit!
Thank you Rosemary. I have felt like you at times. This morning is one of them. Grateful for your Bible reading and prayer.
Amen 🙏
Rosemary, thank you for your prayer of presence and praise.
Thank you Rosemary – I was in a different state of mind than you were, when I came to sit with you and God in this virtual prayer… I was heavily burdened with my children’s attitudes and what seems like selfishness on their part, but when you read the psalm and spoke of how wonderfully made we all are, it helped me to remember how precious and awesome the gift of my children are…. and how it is important that I focus on that rather than falling into retaliation, and frustration and angry words, which will help no one and… Read more »
Thanks Rosemary this was such an inspiring devotion & prayer