Know the Fruit You Bear - February 24th

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Peter Brown
2 years ago

What is the most important thing in young peoples lives? The mobile phone? Have you ever suggested they call Mary?just tell her their troubles or requests of her son.

2 years ago

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ , and the love of God and the communion of the holy gost , be with you all .

Shirley Jenner
2 years ago

And also with you x

2 years ago


Shirley Jenner
2 years ago

Thank you for this thought provoking message. Again, I’m sorry for your loss x With love from Cape Town

Reply to  Shirley Jenner
2 years ago

Thank you for your support. May we all bear fruit for Him. Gods blessings Rosemary-BDCM Team

2 years ago

Thank you, Bruce, for your powerful message. Condolences to you and the ministry for your loss.

Reply to  Vicky
2 years ago

Thank you. Gods blessings Rosemary-BDCM Team

2 years ago

Dear Bruce

So sorry for your loss. I know what it is like to lose a good friend. Someone who’s always there for you.

Your daily devotion is something that I often think about and to some extent struggle with. With Gods help I will continue to work on it and pray that I produce good/better fruit. IJN Amen🙏🏽

Jill Mitchell
2 years ago

Firstly dear Bruce and Rosemary, so very sorry about your friend Ashley dying. May he Rest in Peace. Loving thoughts for his family and friends.
How wonderful though that he bore good fruit and that aspect was highlighted.

Another wonderful message today, thank you. Deeply thought provoking….

Corina Iacobellis
2 years ago

Hello I would like thank so much
To Bruce Downes for
An amazing minister he is
For spreading the word of God
I thank the lord for his work and touching many people out there
Bruce you are an inspirational to the world .
Please pray for me and my family
I’m in a difficult situation at the moment
I am praying everyday that my situation changes
In the name of Jesus May he bless and look after all of us
Thank you so much

Reply to  Corina Iacobellis
2 years ago

🙏. Trust in Him!🙏peace come!!!

Corina Iacobellis
Reply to  Sandie
2 years ago

Thank you so much sandie
Yes I trust in my Lord
Praying everyday
Please continue praying for my family
Thank you

Reply to  Corina Iacobellis
2 years ago

Yes And you do the same for mine! 😉 No family is perfect but decent would be a blessing ! Holy Spirit guide and direct, give wisdom to us and more grace and mercy!!

2 years ago

My condolences to you and the family of Mr Ashley may the peace and love of Christ be with all of you during this difficult time.

2 years ago

Thank you Bruce for this challenging message and once again so sorry for your loss of a good friend and such a devoted staff member of the ministry and the Lord. And YES I WILL PRAY TO THE LORD!!! May the Lord continue to bless and provide for the ministries and all who do such great work in them, for the Lord and for us all, including you and Rosemary especially!!! I will be seeing you tomorrow Bruce and will respond to Rosemary’s Blog tomorrow, God Willing!

2 years ago

As I think about the fruits we bear and the funeral of your friend, I want to project…as you have suggested…peace, kindness and love to the world. For those are the fruits to bear.

Marci Valente
2 years ago

Condolences to Ashley’s family and friends and to your ministry on his passing. Rest In Peace. Thank you Bruce for your daily inspirations. God bless you all.

2 years ago

Loved your prayer at the end! The more you love the more it hurts when we lose someone … they are in our future, Praise be to God! Continue to expand “the family”😉. And may it be said if all of us… they truly loved and embraced and trusted in the Holy Trinity!!!

Ursel Mihelcic
2 years ago


2 years ago

Thank you Bruce, You have a great impact on so many people. I love watching you each day and you really do make me think about who i am and who i want to be…. So sorry for the loss of you friend. Love and Blessings from Bonnie Scotland