Lord I am Listening - 23rd July

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Virginia Antonetty
2 months ago

Lord I pray that all your people will be filled with the Spirit and realigned their lives back to you.

2 months ago

Lord, I hear you talking to me about taking better care of my health.

Maureen Buchanan
2 months ago

Thank you Bruce and Rosemary for your inspirational talks, Please pray for my family that they may find God in their lives.

Jeanette Easton
2 months ago

Please Bruce pray for me that God will lead me to where he wants me to be. I am listening.

2 months ago

Bruce I think setting up the community is spot on. Your son is correct in wanting that for his children – to be immersed around Christian people. Not to isolate but to radiate out to others and really live the Christian life as you and Rosemary and the ministry do. There is a place for it and I pray this will come to fruition. Praise God.

2 months ago


2 months ago

Dear John . Count your retirement as a blessing to start with . I am sure that if you contact your church they will find something for you to do . Churches are always looking for volunteers. Go and spread the word of God as a Scripture teacher for example. I pray that God helps you finding something to do while serving Him.

2 months ago

Lord I’m listening thank you for hearing my prayers

2 months ago

I too feel that God is calling and asking me to listen to Him. Some quite significant things are happening in my life and I am going to Europe. My mind and heart keeps longing for a dear person’s company whom I genuinely thought God had sent my way. We enjoyed a lovely friendship for a short while, he sharing his joy at ‘coming home’ back to Mass after an absence of many years. Then it all suddenly stopped without any explanation. I wait and wonder, quite distracted and perplexed, with utter silence in the communication….not a sound…..and now your… Read more »

Reply to  Jacqui
2 months ago

Dear Jacqui . I pray for you to have patience. If it’s God’s Will, nothing can be in HIS way. Give yourself time . Give that friend time. But above all, remember that GOD”S TIME is THE TIME.

Reply to  Jacqui
2 months ago

I would suggest this has nothing to do with you but everything to do with your friend – fear, anxiety, something your friend may not be able to disclose, grief etc. I am just a listener like you and will pray for you and your new friend who needs to work things out. If this person cannot stay the distance, maybe the purpose of the friendship was to point this person to God which you have done. May God give you comfort in your grief and sadness at this time.

2 months ago

Lord, please make me a better listener to your plan for me

2 months ago

Pray for me and I will pray for you🙏

Maria L
2 months ago

Thank you, Bruce, for the beautiful message. Please pray for the safe trip of my family, who will be coming from different parts of the world to celebrate our mom’s 90th birthday. I also pray that God continues to bless my Mom and the rest of my family with good health.

Reply to  Maria L
2 months ago

Amen. Happy Birthday to your mum.

Grace Douglas
2 months ago

Please Bruce pray for me to hear GOD

2 months ago

Please pray for me Bruce that my relationship will be blessed and we get married soon

2 months ago

Please pray for me for a fresh anointing of the Spirit

2 months ago

Please pray for me, so that might hear what God is calling for me to do

2 months ago

I’m attending a Women of the Well retreat in 2 weeks for I sense God’s calling to be still and listen to his voice. I’m lost, in 2011 my husband and I set out having sensed God calling to leave everything and go, so we did, 18mths later my husband had a stroke and I’ve been caring for him since. He has recently going in to care. I’m finding my way alone now. I have such a deep sense of calling…..

2 months ago

Bruce, thank you for your encouragement to pray, we seek good heath in body & soul. For ourselves, children & grandchildren, for you, Rosemary & your family too. We are sure your time away to pray will be fruitful.

Cheryl O'Grady
2 months ago

Bruce. Thankyou for the msg today. I love the way you received those different promptings of the H.S and you are open to receive a download from heaven for the days ahead. I , too am feeling a need to listen carefully for the H.S to show me what is the next step for me. I want to express deep gratitude for the prayers for my daughter, Michelle , who had heart surgery successfully last week for a hole in her heart God is so good! I appreciate your praying team. Thankyou!!

Margaret Thomson
2 months ago

For months my husband and I have been dealing with debt. We were going to sell our house and move to get out of debt. We had moved across country 5 years ago because it seemed to be God’s call for us. But when we wanted to sell this house in April the answer seemed to be a big “no”. So months later my husband and I have been praying again for God’s direction. Oddly, the debt hasn’t gone away but God keeps blessing us with things for our home. Our home is getting built up. God appears to be… Read more »

2 months ago

Please pray for me and my family.
God bless you Bruce.

Barbara Naylor
2 months ago

Please pray that I am more aware of God speaking to me

2 months ago

Please pray for me and my family

Pauline Fletcher
2 months ago

Dear Bruce and Rosemary,
please pray that my faith grows even deeper. I often feel like the father of the little boy, “oh Lord I believe but help my unbelief.” Bless you both 🙏🙏❤️❤️

2 months ago

Quote from the movie

Cabrini: We can serve our weakness or we can serve our purpose. Not both.

2 months ago

My Lord Jesus .. please hear my prayer and keep me close to you always
Bless Bruce and his team

2 months ago

Thanks Bruce for your words this morning. May this time of prayer in Brisbane be for you and Rosemary a Spirit filled time. Your words spoke to me as I am seeking the Lord’s direction for my life. Please pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Archdiocese of Brisbane. God bless you both.

2 months ago

Thank you Bruce for showing me in a very practical how God speaks to us. I look forward to more examples thank you

Valerie Lack
2 months ago

Thank you Bruce. Your prayers are powerful and touch the lives of so many. We, in this crazy mixed up but wonderful world, are all in so much need of prayer.
There are 22 in our immediate family, please pray for all of us.

Ana I Male
2 months ago

I want to hear GOD please pray for me 🙏

2 months ago

Bruce thinking of your son and community for young people. In the 80/90s our kids went to Antioch. This young community supported by support parents thrived and young people came to church and the meetings enthusiastically as well as met socially. We were supports for 8 years and loved the Antioch family. Young people came to our home regularly and today lots of those young people are bringing their own young families to church Sadly Antioch died due to the fact the fact support parents were not willing to step up and give their time and energy anymore. Our church… Read more »

2 months ago

Dear Bruce, I pray that the Holy Spirit will come down upon me., I am being patient and waiting to hear his unique voice or signs. I pray he will answer my prayers and increase my faith as I listen for his voice. I thank our Lord every day for me finding you Bruce and your ministry. Please pray for me and my son who is struggling with his marriage. Thanks be to God 🙏

Arlene Diaz
2 months ago

Please pray for me
let me hear the voice of our Lord

John T
2 months ago

Lord God, open my heart, my mind to this beautiful feeling of a community formed in knowing you more deeply and bringing all people together as one. That the holy spirit will reach out to the young and old alike to join in union and share in your plan that we will find eternal life with you. I pray that 🙏 you will guide me along the path that I could follow in helping this plan be successful 🙏 ✨️ 🙌

Please pray for me
2 months ago

Please pray for me

Beverly W
2 months ago

Dear Bruce,
I ask for your prayers to help me hear what God is asking of me in my retirement. I also pray for the opening of doors for young and old people to find Community and see God at work in their lives. May God bless you, Rosemary and your team.

2 months ago

Thank you Bruce for your message each day. Will you please pray that God will make my relationship right and l will listen to his leading

Rosemay De Cherval
2 months ago

Thank you Bruce I live north of Brisbane Holy Spirit Parish. Our community needs to hear your powerful words. Please pray for my health specially my eyes I am 78. Keep my family in your prayers as they don’t know God. God bless you both.

Donna Redfearn
2 months ago


2 months ago

Thank you. Bruce.I’m listening ,I hear what to do but need guidance on how to achieve the best outcome for my community.

Kim Deanne Knott
2 months ago

Dear Bruce and Rosemary, I pray that God continues to speak to you both during your stay in Queensland. Thanks for accepting me into your community Church as I’m not a Catholic. I feel very privileged to be part of The Catholic Guys Ministry in Perth WA. I now understand the purpose of the Holy Spirit guiding me through my life. Forever grateful in hearing God speaking through you both!

Linda Calanna
2 months ago

Hi Bruce,
Just wanted to ask you to keep my family and myself in your prayers. I watch your Daily Devotionals every day and have found them really helpful. I lost my husband Mario in November 2022 and your talks have helped me through. God bless you and Rosemary you 🙏

Margaret Quinn
2 months ago

Please pray for me 🙏

Mauricio Flores
2 months ago

What is God speaking to me? He is urging me to pray for people like you, Bruce, and your ministry, so that individuals like myself may one day strive to enter the kingdom of God. Keep sharing the message, my dear friend, so that many may be saved and discover true happiness in our faith.

Frank Harris
2 months ago

The message today made me smile.
I believe what you and Rosemary is discerning is needed. PraisevGod

2 months ago

You are right Bruce, it is so simple that we list it as something that can wait – but it shouldn’t.

Mary Ann
2 months ago

God does wait for us….all we have to do is listen. Thank you Bruce. A Faith/Catholic Community is what we need.

2 months ago

Several weeks ago I was telling my husband that I wished we lived in Australia close to your ministry so we could experience your wonderful community of believers because I felt I would find strength in that, continuing to live my Christian Catholic life. Yes, community is so important. I will pray for you that Our Lord will lead you into the fulfillment of that inspiration of building a community for Him. God bless.

2 months ago


2 months ago

Thank you for your message Bruce. For making me aware of how to “string the bits together” that make a picture of where God wants me to go. Please pray for my children to find God again in their lives. May you and Rosemary be blessed on your trip.

2 months ago

So true about Community, I’ve just finished Alpha course and I can certainly see myself going astray without community, so please pray that I keep my faith alive in prayer and reading the word of God. Bless you Bruce and the ministry