A Word for the Weary

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Carol Christophers
2 years ago

Thank you Rosemary for your beautiful message right now when I have needed it most
Bless you Bruce & family love โค from Carol

2 years ago

Thank you Rosemary for your continued encouragement towards our God. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ’“

2 years ago

Thank you Rosemary for this very timely message!!! May the Lord keep blessing you and inspiring you Rosemary and Bruce and may He bless your family and those in the ministries along with their families too!!!

Susan Breiding
2 years ago

Thank you Rosemary for giving me this gift this morning. Just what I needed.You gave me words I was struggling to find in my prayer this morning and also brought me to a place of peace today as I go about the chores and adventures the day holds. I will keep your message in my heart. Was such an honor to meet you in Chicago and I hope to repeat the experience again.

Cathy Bartock
2 years ago

I am struggling right now with some health issues that are harder than I ever thought to deal with. But when I pray to God, I feel that my burden is not as hard as some in the world and I feel guilty asking God for help as I think so many are more important than my own, and I find myself apologizing to God for asking for blessings. Even though in my heart I know that He is able to do all, but the guilt overtakes me and I don’t feel worthy asking for his blessings, or that my… Read more ยป

Cheryl O'Grady
2 years ago

Rosemary. Thankyou for this timely msg, so beautifully presented with understanding. May you be blessed abundantly. Much love