Do You Have Unanswered Prayers?

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Carol Eslinger
2 years ago

I love to hear your talks and prayers.
You deliver them in a way for me to understand.
Thank you!

Jeanette Easton
2 years ago

Thank you Emma, your talks to us are so good. You bring things to us in such a simple way that we can understand. God Bless you and your family. Always in my 🙏

2 years ago

Thankyou Emma for your honesty and wisdom. Feel really blessed from your talk

2 years ago

Thank you, Emma. Your talks are so beautiful and so insightful.

2 years ago

Just beautifully presented Emma and with such heartfelt feeling

Carol Christophers
2 years ago

Thank you Emma for sharing. I pray for all of us in our unanswered prayers.

2 years ago

Thank you Emma for this message that is not easy to say and not easy to accept. BUT the Lord may have a PLAN that we are not able to see as yet. And may not be the way we will expect our prayers to be answered… You are right Emma in saying we need to TRUST in Him! For He has the BIGGER PICTURE. May the Lord bless you Emma!

2 years ago

Thank you Emma. May God continue to Bless you in your Ministry. May we always be grateful for all God’s Blessings in whatever way he showers them upon us. God knows what’s best for us. 🙏🙏

Rosie Imbert
2 years ago

Thank you so much Emma for always encouraging us in our struggles and daily life 🙏

Helene Williamson
2 years ago

Emma – You have no idea how much I needed to hear this today. It reminds me not to give up on the Lord the he will answer me in His way and His time. Thank you.

2 years ago

I love Emma and her messages. I love her faithful and her devotion in spite of the difficulties in her life. I get so much inspiration from these talks. She is so real and so vulnerable. Thank you… this was a great message.

2 years ago

Beautifully delivered Emma, thank you and I will pray for you. Above all Lord thy will be done

2 years ago

Thank you for reminding me that even Jesus’ prayer was not answered. He trusted in the will of the Father. My prayers are for what I want BUT I follow them up with ‘your perfect will Lord, nothing more, nothing less.’ There is a peace that follows praying this way.

2 years ago

Thanks Emma, very insightful and just what I needed to hear today after close family and friends passing away due to illness. I need to trust in the Lord and follow him even at times I don’t know where he is leading me. God bless you and your ministry x