I often “give up” things I enjoy most so I can enjoy God more. God becomes my priority and my desire to please Him, actually does please Him
11 months ago
Thank you, Rosemary, for this great message.
Rosemary Jordan
11 months ago
Just what I needed today,I keep failing with fasting but I feel encouraged to keep trying ,thankyou Rosemary
11 months ago
what does the 40 days include? There are more than 40 days from the start of Ash Wednesday. So do you choose one day a week to eat what you gave up etc.
Because Sunday was the day that the Lord Rose from the dead, this is not counted as part of the 40 days of fasting, but many people give up whatever they have chosen to give up on all of these days too. It is really up to you and the choice you have made, the decision of fasting with God. Some people cannot fast from food due to health reasons so “fast”: from other things. I find I generally continue the fast all the way through because i find it is easier that way. If i eat say chocolate -which… Read more »
Rosemary Jordan
11 months ago
Your speak with such passion, and inspiration, thankyou Rosemary
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Thank you for this heartwarming message! 😊
I often “give up” things I enjoy most so I can enjoy God more. God becomes my priority and my desire to please Him, actually does please Him
Thank you, Rosemary, for this great message.
Just what I needed today,I keep failing with fasting but I feel encouraged to keep trying ,thankyou Rosemary
what does the 40 days include? There are more than 40 days from the start of Ash Wednesday. So do you choose one day a week to eat what you gave up etc.
Because Sunday was the day that the Lord Rose from the dead, this is not counted as part of the 40 days of fasting, but many people give up whatever they have chosen to give up on all of these days too. It is really up to you and the choice you have made, the decision of fasting with God. Some people cannot fast from food due to health reasons so “fast”: from other things. I find I generally continue the fast all the way through because i find it is easier that way. If i eat say chocolate -which… Read more »
Thank you, Rosemary, for an inspiring message.