The Holy Spirit Empowers Us

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3 months ago

The first time I allowed the Holy Spirit to impact my life was during my first Holy Spirit Daily Devotionals in 2020. I fell in love with this precious gift from God. The Holy Spirit has become my go to in many situations ever since. Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle them with the fire of your love.🙏🏻

Denise Hall
3 months ago

Back in Dec 2017, we were given bad news about my husband’s health, something that he could not recover from, but had to accept the path it would take. My first reaction was to cling to him & pray, & thank Our Lord Jesus for being with us in it…I know that this was only possible because of my relationship with Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

3 months ago

I’m looking forward to heartbeat each week,

3 months ago

In God’s infinite wisdom and love for us, he sent His son, Jesus, to first illuminate God’s holy character in human form. God knew we couldn’t save ourselves for heaven so Jesus, being the perfect lamb, gave up his life, his blood and body, as our holy redeemer substitute. Now our sins are forgiven but he loves us still more through the gift of the Holy Spirit to live inside of each of us who believe, repent and come to Him. Now we can claim the gift of the Holy Spirit to keep us living in Christ. The trinity is… Read more »

Cathy Bartock
3 months ago

Thank you, Emma! Looking forward to next week to continue to learn and grow with the Holy Spirit! May God bless you and your family, and I thank the Holy Spirit for inspiring these beautiful messages!