Thank you so much for that, I’ve always wanted to be a good wife and mother but have failed at both, my grown up daughter took her own life 12 years ago I can’t shake off feelings of guilt
I loved her so much she struggled with depression
Jean, please try not to blame yourself. Your daughter could not have foreseen how much her actions would destroy your world. God knows and sees everything perhaps you can try to remember this and know He loves you and wants you to be happy just the same as if your daughter had been mentally well she would have wished.
Rosemary Jordan
10 months ago
Thankyou Emma I need to be more trusting, I hold back through fear of many things and need to trust, bless you
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Thank you so much for that, I’ve always wanted to be a good wife and mother but have failed at both, my grown up daughter took her own life 12 years ago I can’t shake off feelings of guilt
I loved her so much she struggled with depression
Jean, please try not to blame yourself. Your daughter could not have foreseen how much her actions would destroy your world. God knows and sees everything perhaps you can try to remember this and know He loves you and wants you to be happy just the same as if your daughter had been mentally well she would have wished.
Thankyou Emma I need to be more trusting, I hold back through fear of many things and need to trust, bless you
Learning to listen…. Is often so hard
Amen 🙏