I Will Be Faithful - 15th September

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7 months ago

Thank you and Hod bless!

Donna Redfearn
7 months ago

Very pertinent atm Thanku

7 months ago

Your encouragement today Bruce was very Impactful. Thank you.

Maureen Green
7 months ago

Thank you so much Bruce for all the encouragement you give us. I have been begging God to save at least one of my children and grand children. Everytime I try to do something myself I seem to make things worse. I think I will leave it to Him. I will not give up. I do contribute to your ministry whenever I can and wish it could be more. I am sure Jesus will see you through this difficult time. God bless.

Elizabeth Snell
7 months ago

Thank you for sharing your experiences

Patricia Holmes
7 months ago

Thank you, God bless, and I’m still praying for the success of your mission

Isabel. Jimenez
7 months ago

Amen 🙏

7 months ago

So thankful to be a small part financially and pray for Gods best in your every endeavor to serve Him

7 months ago

Bruce, today your message quietly increased my faith and confidence in our God and saviour. I look to God, be blessed and thank you.

Brian Sellner
7 months ago

Bruce you have really helped me in my relationship with God,and my sons.

7 months ago

Your message today gave me so much encouragement. I have been going through a very difficult time with my son going through a divorce. I just have to deepen my faith knowing God will take care of everything in his timing. Thank you for the beautiful message and please pray for my son and myself. Thank you

7 months ago

Hi Bruce

What a beautiful message and great encouragement for all of us!
I love the scripture you quoted in Habakkuk; it applies to all Christians.
I went through many difficulties in life where all things were falling apart; but in the mist of the storm with God’s grace I refused to give up. As you said “our faith is in Him”- He is our solid foundation.
Thank you for delivering this inspired Godly message to us.