Praying to the Holy Spirit - 21st June

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Susanne Sweeny
2 years ago

Glory be to God- yes Holy Spirit COME! Your will Lord God – not mine. Come Holy Spirit!

Reply to  Susanne Sweeny
2 years ago

👍. Have the best day ever!!!

2 years ago

I thank God for Bruce and Rosemary Downes.

Reply to  Brendan
2 years ago

Yes, may God bless them abundantly their daily and the entire team!

2 years ago

Thanks, Bruce, for your prayer today. Come, Holy Spirit, renew the earth. Fill our hearts with the fire of your love. Father, in Jesus’ name, please protect Bruce, Rosemary and all the team who work to help us all to grow closer to you.

Reply to  Cheryl
2 years ago

🤛 Holy Ghost take over.. bring such peace and joy in our hearts that we change the atmosphere when we walk in a room!!

Reply to  Cheryl
2 years ago

Thank you

2 years ago


2 years ago

Thank you Bruce I pray that God hears all our prayers and that we are all abundantly blessed with peace, love and understanding in our world

Reply to  Sandra
2 years ago

Yes,Holy Spirit change us so we can be exactly what you need us to be to help others! Long ago followers of Jesus were called people of the “ Way”! Holy Spirit use us to show others the different “Way” to handle things🙏 There is only one Truth..Jesus the Truth the Way and the Light!!

2 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful prayer Bruce.

Reply to  Donna
2 years ago

🥹. So heartfelt moving us in the right direction!!

Reply to  Sandie
2 years ago

I agree Sandie. When Bruce prays like this you can immediately tell it is genuine and from the heart.

Kathy higdon
2 years ago

Your prayer has made my heart full! Thank you

Reply to  Kathy higdon
2 years ago

Yep and now the overflow🤩. Peace Hope and Joy!!!

2 years ago

Thank you Brother for this special time as I begin to realize more and more we can never pray too much and I need to keep that in my mind and heart. God bless.

2 years ago

I ask prayers for a dear friend who has colon cancer and is starting chemo soon. Help me to walk with her and give her strength. She has a hard time asking for help so I ask that you help me help her.

Reply to  Natale
2 years ago

🙏. Father God… wisdom for doctors and this treatment target only the bad cells and the good cells multiply and the body heal just as you made it to! I give you thanks Father for hearing and answering our prayers for this dear person and for Natalie’s loving compassionate heart you have given to her.

Rosanna Bruni
2 years ago

Thank you Bruce for the time of prayer this morning. It was peaceful and calmed me. May God bless you and your family for all The good you are doing. I should be grateful for all I have and yet I still ask our Lord Jesus for my daughter to find her holy spouse, fir my son to not experience anxiety, for my husband and I to find the love we lost for each other. I see there are more grave needs in the world and I pray for them and am grateful for what I have. Thank you Bruce.… Read more »

Reply to  Rosanna Bruni
2 years ago

Joining you in your fervent prayer and add peace and increased confidence that He will give you your hearts desire! Be blessed !

2 years ago

Thankyou Bruce. So blest by your devotions

2 years ago

Unity and oneness in Christ Jesus..that is what you, Rosemary and the team bring giving hope for a better day..and we are very blessed by your every endeavor to serve Him! 🙏 that all of us grow closer to Him and be the “Church” the Body He always wanted us to be, dependent on Him to lead, guide, speak so clearly so that we are totally aware of His voice and that our thoughts words and actions would show He lives in each of us and Truth will prevail🕊. I can’t thank you enough!🙏

2 years ago

Beautiful prayer Bruce. God bless you.

2 years ago

Thank you Bruce and thank You Lord God that I am able to unite my prayers with yours Bruce and all who are praying with you. That I can thank You Lord that You hear our prayers, all of our needs, our deepest needs. That You hear the prayers and the deepest needs of those all over the world. That You answer all of our prayers and needs all according to Your Mighty, Perfect Will and in Your Great Loving Care. Holy Spirit Come! And renew us, renew Your Church, renew our families, renew all who we are praying for,… Read more »

Jackie Loret de Mola
2 years ago

Thank you, Bruce, for today’s prayer. The Holy Spirit held me as I prayed with you! I needed the words that flowed from you, through you, as gift from our God! It’s 6:30 am in Sacramento, California and I began my day perfectly. Thank you! Please pray for my oldest son, Nicolas, as he goes through another thyroid cancer surgery on Monday, June 27th. It will be his 4th. It’s a very aggressive form of thyroid cancer. Please pray that there are no side effects, like the loss of his voice, possible paralysis on his right side of his face… Read more »

Lisa Vigil
2 years ago

That was beyond powerful Bruce and I thank God our Lord for you and your family and your wonderful team! God Bless you always 🙏

Jo Ann
2 years ago

I always feel so very unworthy….that feeling interferes with my praying. I know the truth of God’s love for me but yet I struggle.

Reply to  Jo Ann
2 years ago

Dear JoAnn, we are all unworthy so use that to help your prayer. O Lord, how wonderful you are that you have saved me who is not worthy of this gift. You bring your love, your peace, your generosity to me. This shows me so much what you have done for me. Thank you…….I will walk with you by your strength, by your spirit for I myself cannot make the right choices, choose the right paths for my Life. Help me O God. It is YOU who make me worthy. Again, thank you…… Hand the struggle over to God who… Read more »

Kathy O’Connor
2 years ago

Thank you Bruce for reaching out and teaching how to be led and how to interact with the Holy Spirit. This is totally changing my life.

2 years ago

Thank you so much for Praying

2 years ago

Thank you Bruce what a powerful prayer I really felt it

Shirley Jenner
2 years ago

Beautiful, thank you

2 years ago

Thank you, Bruce. The offer of your prayers is touching. I pray several times a day, but extra prayers for me and my family are welcome. God is good. Bless you.

Jones Ruth
2 years ago

Thank you for praying for America. I am 75 and have never seen our country in such disarray. Abortion here now is out of hand. Please keep the prayers coming for my country. I never thought I would see the day that the direction in which it is going. Thank you Bruce and your team.

Susan Spencer
2 years ago

Is Bruce ok? This daily devotional is a repeat of yesterday’s 21st June. No problem in listening to it twice . Just not like Bruce , i prayer all is well with the Downes Family 🤗