Mid Week Prayer Service

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4 years ago

Thank you. You give me strength.

4 years ago

You give me strength. Thank you to you and the team.

4 years ago

Thanks Bruce! Really worthwhile to take stock and join together to pray for everyone else as well as our personal intentions in the middle of the week! Thank you also to those others who joined and prayed tonight. May God’s will be done.

Reply to  Lee
4 years ago

Amen ????

4 years ago

I was healed of incredible pain in 1990. It came back 5 years ago worse than ever. Doctors can’t believe all I have achieved. I am bone on bone, I am 80 I want to be free to help help others. I find the pain so hard, I am so gratefulf or alot the extra years I had paid: free. Thank you Lord

4 years ago


Valerie Simms
4 years ago

Thank you very much Bruce and Team for your prayers, Bruce for your encouragement, advice and inspiration from the Holy Spirit, The songs sung beautifully. I felt struck by a lightening bolt when I heard the words sung concerning the scriptural verse ‘ No weapon formed against you shall prosper’. I would like to mention here also that I was reminded of an answer to prayer close to 30 years ago after I heard you Bruce say that the Lord answers prayers. I was watching the news on TV at home, concerning an Anglican Minister who was kidnapped, not sure… Read more »

4 years ago

Stir up my faith . I will not take my eyes off You.

Thank you Bruce and team.

CArolynn Rodriguez
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce! That was beautiful.

Scott McMillan
4 years ago

Thank you. I needed this today.

Janice Basley
4 years ago

Please pray for our son, Jack.
He is 22 and just recently walked off a job that he loved and made good money at because of verbal abuse from his boss.
He now doesn’t know what he wants to do.
Can’t make up his mind about going to college or looking for a job during this troubling time with the virus.
Please pray that God leads him on the right path for a better future.
I’m also praying for a future wife for him. I pray there is a wonderful girl in his future.
Thank yoi????????❤️

Reply to  Janice Basley
4 years ago

Janice, Praying that it all works out OK soon! Something similar happened to me once. At the time, I felt I had to do what I had to do but it came with awful, scary consequences – especially, unemployment. A friend encouraged me to pray and be grateful for the blessings already in my life – I still do this daily and whenever I think of that particular day, I now count it as a blessing! With the benefit of hindsight, that “awful” situation was the start of one of God’s plans for me to head in a different direction… Read more »

4 years ago

Amen! Thank you, Bruce!!

Gwen hall
4 years ago

Pray for my fly please.

Rattanavady Genevieve Luangrathrajasombat
4 years ago

Beautiful music keep me quiet and ready to listen to Thank YOU Team Holy Spirit is in the scene looking through us all in a different part of screens boxes WOW we are ALL HERE AMEN.

Cedric Auwardt
4 years ago

Bruce, please continue to pray for Russell and Fiona, Ryan, Amy and Alicia.
Craig and Melissa, Eloise and Thomas.
Thank you, Bruce, Sandra and the other guy.

Mary Nola Viney
4 years ago

Today’s teaching gave me great hope.

Tracy Peter
4 years ago

Please pray for Polly (32 years old) she has stage 4 liver cancer and undergoing an operation this week that the doctors have said she may not recover from. The doctors have also said if Polly doesn’t have the operation she will not last 8 weeks. Polly is a mum to a 3 & 5 year old. Thank you Lord that we can come before you with our requests with a thankful heart, You are the God of miracles I pray Lord for a healing miracle for Polly.

4 years ago

Reconciliation & Peace in my family. Emotional, mental, relational. physical healings within my family, Spiritual Conversions & freedom from the bondage of Satan & various addictions in my family.