Glorious Mysteries - Wednesday

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Valerie Simms
3 years ago

Thank you Sandra for praying the Holy Rosary of the Glorious Mysteries with us, the praying family today, and with me tonight! Thank you for finishing the Holy Rosary with a prayer to the Lord for the Holy Spirit. Thank you Sandra for your encouraging words also!!! They are much appreciated! God bless you Sandra and all the praying family. And please give my regards to John, I actually miss hearing his voice praying with us! Good night and hope to be praying with you and the praying family again real soon!

Diane Kennedy
3 years ago

I thank God for finding you and the Bruce Downes Ministry it is helping every day especially praying the Rosary with all of you. God Bless

Lorraine guyn
3 years ago

Thank you for being able to join you in the holy rosary each night.
It gives me peace as I settle for the night.
Good night Jesus. Watch over us.