Glorious Mysteries - Wednesday

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Marion Ferdinand
2 years ago

God bless you both 🙏thank you for this beautiful rosary everyday ❤️

2 years ago

Thank you both and may God bless you both for praying the Holy Rosary of the Glorious Mysteries with us today! Thank you too for those heartfelt prayers to our Lord for us, and especially for Ukraine! My prayer tonight to the Lord, I pray in unison with Bruce, especially concerning Ukraine.It seems there is virtual nothing I can do to stop the war, death and destruction! I am praying for the Lord God’s mighty intervention, as I know NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE for our Great, Loving and Merciful God!!!

2 years ago

Each day I am touched by the love and forgiveness of our Lord. May God bless you for taking up your ministry, I am so helped by it.