The Holy Spirit Helps Us In Our Weakness - 11th June

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James Travers Vote
1 year ago

Contemplation : Contemplative prayer is where we in silence surrender our spirit to unite with the Holy Spirit that dwells within us as Temples of the Holy Spirit to listen to the Holy Trinity, God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Reply to  James Travers Vote
1 year ago

🙏that we would all seek to know Him more

Kathleen Hood
1 year ago

Bruce, the Spirit intercedes with SIGHS, not signs.

Bruce Downes
Reply to  Kathleen Hood
1 year ago

Hello Kathleen, I have read this passage many times and have even spoken on it numerous times before. I actually read about ‘sighs’ just before recording and how it is understood by various academics and despite all of this said ‘signs. Our editors pointed it out to me but I was not next to the recording equipment to re-record the Daily. I was sure I had said sighs but the recording clearly showed I said otherwise. The staff often tease me about my slip ups and had a good laugh because I had no idea what I had said. I… Read more »

Reply to  Bruce Downes
1 year ago

Only one Perfect one who walked this earth! Continue to please the audience of One Who loves you so and is pleased with you and trusts you completely! 🙏”Father God open the flood gates of Heaven for your precious servant Bruce!” Get ready🤩

Shirley Jenner
1 year ago

Shoo, heavy one.