31 May - The Holy Spirit Reveals God

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3 years ago

Thank you Bruce. I understand the person who cries sometimes, as I receive the gift of tears also, at times, with much emotion as a touch from God. Can’t sing, can’t pray or read aloud. I’ve occasionally seen it in you also. Blessings for you & the team.

Marci Valente
Reply to  Vivienne
3 years ago

I also have had periods of weeping, in church one day I couldn’t finish praying the Our Father during Mass, I became so emotional and broke down in tears. The Holy Spirit touches each and everyone of us differently because of our own situations. God bless us all. Amen💞🙏🕊

Jean Merron
3 years ago

I love the way you take the time to explain the verses to us in layman’s terms so that we an understand . I think its good to cry sometimes it helps to tell other people what we are feeling that’s been bottled up in us for so long and we just let it all out to the right person

Ursel Mihelcic
3 years ago

THANKs I understand

3 years ago

Thank you Bruce, there’s a lot in this message that is challenging me in what I have heard elsewhere! What this message is making me do is to reflect more deeply on my particular, individual situation and to realize that what may be said or advised, will work for some but not all situations! Definitely not all people! You are right Bruce; encounters can only come from God Himself, through the power of the Holy Spirit and not by human force or manipulation. When do we then become witnesses for God? Proclaimers of the Good News? Does this happen by… Read more »

3 years ago

It is true, I have never been closer to the scripture than during these recent broadcasts. Thank you for all you do.

Susan A Cutshall
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce for your amazing gift of giving, words of wisdom, ordinary people can comprehend and apply to our every day life. You are direct, to the point and compassionate. Thank you for this ministry.

Marci Valente
3 years ago

God’s abundant blessing upon you and your ministry for a faithfilled week. Amen💞🙏🕊

Lucy Kimani
3 years ago

Be Blessed always Bruce. Thank you for a wonderful message of the Holy Spirit. Blessed Monday.

Edwin Albert Pope
3 years ago

Hi Bruce, I cry, I cried when I received the Holy Spirit in me because of my sin. I cried when I was happy in what He showed me. I cried when I saw a child lost and alone, my compassion for that child. I cried when I first sponsored a child because I felt useful in helping a child have hope. I cried when I looked at a beautiful landscape because I know that God made it. I cry when I prepare PowerPoint music slides and test the music for the Church because God and the Holy Spirit helped… Read more »

Joyce Pope
3 years ago

I have never taken an interIest in reading the Bible. i couldn’t sleep last nigh and opened my Bible. I started to read the Acts of the Aposlles. It is definitely very informative and historical. I’m so happy to feel the presence of God the Father, Son and especially the Holy Spirit. Yes, I am underlining the word spirit in my Bible. With kindest regards – Joyce

Marvic Blowers
3 years ago

I would like to thank you for the clear explanation about the Holy Spirit that made me reflect deeper. I have been listening and watching you for quite sometime and there were many times that you hit the nail on the head. My husband and I have been stuck in Europe since February 2020 and are still here but one day you said something in the message that I turned around and I said to God “OK I cannot do anything (which I knew that) the ball is in your court you take care of it”. Few days later things… Read more »

3 years ago

Good morning,
I cry a lot and often, sometimes tears of sorrow and pain, other times, tears of joy. I find tears can be very liberating and healing.
Thanks for everything you and your team do, Bruce. God’s blessings upon you.

Diane Kennedy
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce. You have remind me of a hymn I use to sing many years ago in folk group it is this passage from the bible it is “Eye Has Not Seen”. One of my favourite hymns. I am so glad you have remind me. God Bless to you, Rosemary and the folks at the ministry.

Anthony Caruso
3 years ago

Todays message talks directly to me. I listen to your explanation of how the Holy Sprit takes the words of God and feeds us with his words and love. The Holy Sprit gives us comfort and rest to deal with our everyday problems because we stop and listen and give thanks to the Father.

3 years ago

Your message is so great Bruce. You’ve been a huge blessing in my life.
Thank you 🙏

Jones Ruth
3 years ago

Those 9 words you end with everyday IS in itself a prayer.
“Wherever you are GOD is never far from you.” Thank you Bruce for all you do. GOD BLESS!!!!

Carla Villafana
3 years ago

Oh Bruce your crying story about the board member is funny. But sometimes my tears are emotion, often tears of joy in realizing God’s love.