18th June - God's Character, Our Character

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Ezmerelda Mary Bernadette El-bayeh
3 years ago

Thank you again , I’m growing in my faith and hungry for more of the Holy Spirit and the teaching of the word of God. I love how you all present the words of God with such Love and passion

Edwin Albert Pope
3 years ago

Every day, Bruce, you refresh us with God’s Word, today especially important P.A.L.S friends of God. You covered so wonderfully our approach to God in a simplistic and sincere way, to become friends of God. Thank you again for your input into my life and our Father who placed me in your path.

Mwebaza paul
3 years ago

I am so happy. For your teaching the truth is I a know free from cuses

Jean Merron
3 years ago

I really enjoyed your talk tonight it reminds me of when a friend said your hubby is always nice and i said you have to live with a person to know them hes not aways like that . Its like the deciples were with our Lord all the time they really knew him And by letting the holy spirit into our lives we can really get to know him to . I spend this moment in prayer after i have Listened to you Bruce i dont use prayers i sorak to God from the heart like a friend would becayse… Read more »

Ursel Mihelcic
3 years ago


3 years ago

Thank you Bruce for this message! I really loved it! Especially the part of becoming P A L S of God! As you mentioned who God is, this brought up a dream I had a few years back. I was having a conversation in the dream with my sister. She asked me outright ” Who is Jesus?” I answered her ” He is WHO HE SAYS HE IS!” When I told my sister about this dream she was speechless! I do seem to create this tendency with my siblings!!! Thank you again Bruce I will put into action becoming P… Read more »

Carolyn Mescher
3 years ago

I’m having trouble getting your video to open. It takes me to this page every time

Sandra Purcell (ADMIN)
Reply to  Carolyn Mescher
3 years ago

Hi Carolyn, the email takes you to this page so you can watch the Daily Devotional video as well as past videos, as well as make a prayer request or comment. You can also view it through our webpage: BruceDownes.org
Please let me know if I can help you further. Sandra/BDCM Team

3 years ago


Marci Valente
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce for your life learning message today and for teaching us how to pray properly and for being here for us all. God bless you all and have a spirit filled weekend. Amen💞🙏🕊🌎

3 years ago

Do the 10 mins I spend with you every day count towards my daily 15 mins?? LOL…..
Thanks Bruce. I have been experiencing and recognizing the presence of the Holy Spirit and Christ in my heart much more this year.

Lorraine Good
3 years ago

Thank you for sharing your gift with us. I am slowly growing closer to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I am a slow learner.

Joyce E Moultis
3 years ago

Bless you. I haven’t made it back to Church since CoVid, but you make Jesus’s message so personal. I need that.

maureen parker
3 years ago

When talking about the Holy Spirit was it necessary to mix that talk with asking for money. It really offended me. Your words matter because you are representing a Power bigger than yourself and I truly was interested in hearing your voice to inspire me through Christ but then you mixed that with asking for money…just felt wrong.

Joyce Fung
3 years ago

Bruce, I have sent you 2 emails stating that I want to pray with you for the Holy Spirit and you promised you would send me the material, I still have not received it, can you tell me whether you meant it ?

Bruce Downes
Reply to  Joyce Fung
3 years ago

Hello Joyce

Thank you for your question?

We have not sent out the email as yet concerning how we will pray to the Holy Spirit. This will come early next week. We have many people from numerous countries who will be part of this.

Right now we are making the first invitations asking for people to pray to the Holy Spirit.

Should you have any questions write to:

[email protected]

God bless


3 years ago

I found you on the web in my darkest time as my husband was dying – thank you and God bless you.