Loving You With All I Am - 17th October

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1 day ago


Donna Redfearn
1 day ago


Ursel Mihelcic
22 hours ago

Thank you

15 hours ago

Hi you point out the four different themes to work on during the week. I’ll put what I believe that I grew up doing in the Catholic church.. You could actually relate it to what Catholics do in the mass when they bless themselves and use their hand to make the sign of the cross on the head for their mind, the sign of the cross on their lips for the spoken word, and on their heart to have Jesus in their soul. Just a thought you might want to look into it. Have a blessed day!

13 hours ago

Thank you. Someone told me to love God more is to know His love for me more. As I see, know and believe God’s love for me first, his demonstration of his love (dying on the cross), how He sees me….. it brings me a confidence and strength to let it flow through me to others as opposed to a striving to love. His love brings a peace and joy in my heart and it is ‘wow’ which causes me to worship. It takes the focus off me to God. When I focus on me to love God, it causes… Read more »

Isabel. Jimenez
13 hours ago

Amen 🙏

Titialiiveronica @gmail.com
12 hours ago

Thankyou 🙏