THE WEEKLY: [Impacters] Who We Are - Transformation Begins With The Call To Conversion
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5 days ago
Thank you!
Raffaella Librandi
5 days ago
As children of God we can grow into the person of Jesus, the true words come from Jesus Christ so when the right person says the right words, it has the potential to transform everything.
23 hours ago
We have to be Examples for others family, strangers, children, etc. I think faith gets us through, we need to prAy to get us through our battles! Amen
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Thank you!
As children of God we can grow into the person of Jesus, the true words come from Jesus Christ so when the right person says the right words, it has the potential to transform everything.
We have to be Examples for others family, strangers, children, etc. I think faith gets us through, we need to prAy to get us through our battles! Amen