Generosity is Being Like God - 11th September

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8 days ago

Thank you so very much , I registered immediately. Can’t wait, so excited.

Reply to  Polly
8 days ago


8 days ago

God bless the mission!

Donna Redfearn
7 days ago


Ursel Mihelcic
7 days ago

Thank you

7 days ago

Thank you so much for Registration what a blessing and I pray that the Mission will be blessed in abundance

Martha Mizzi
7 days ago

Where is registration for the mission? How much is it?

Sandy Nicolosi
7 days ago

How can I donate? Some money for this mission?

Reply to  Sandy Nicolosi
6 days ago

Dear Sandy, if you go to the Give tab on our website you can donate any amount in most currencies. The Mission Event costs $79.00 normally. Thank you for your generosity- we do not want anyone to miss out because they can’t afford it. Even Jesus went to the highways and byways to invite people in to His Feast. much love Rosemary

Sandy Nicolosi
7 days ago

Also, how much is the admission for this mission?

Patricia Smith
7 days ago

Thank you so very much. Biggest gift ever! God bless this event. 🙏🙏

Isabel. Jimenez
7 days ago

Amen 🙏

Delores Jackson
7 days ago

Thank you Bruce for the inspiring daily devotional on this Wednesday, September 11 !! I admire your generosity !! There needs to be more people like you. I will be praying for the event in a few days to be a success and many souls will come to know Jesus or come back to Jesus..I plan to watch the event online. Continue remembering me and my daughter’s health problems in prayers !! May God Bless you, Rosemary and rest of your Staff !!!!

Reply to  Delores Jackson
6 days ago

Prayers for healing for your precious daughter and ask that Our Blessed Mother join us in asking her son for healing to come quickly so she can enjoy her life.

Stephen Hale
16 hours ago

Always good Bruce and so wise. Living according to Kingdom principles and expecting to see the miraculous as part of daily Living. AMEN!