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Jeanette Easton
4 years ago

WOW! Bruce that was wonderful. Thank you. With your help and guidance WE too can do it. Thank you for revealing God to us in this way. God Bless you.

Avice Vogel
Reply to  Jeanette Easton
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce for sharing your history. I did realise that you had had a repair of your lip when I first viewed your programme. My immediate thought was, ” thank You Lord for the success this man has made of his life” God bless you and your family always.

Trevor Knuckey
4 years ago

I find it inspirational the way you hold yourself up as an example.I get something out of each of your talks that I listen to.God has developed you well to this point and you are showing your listeners that God can develop them too. I pray that God expands your ministry much more so that you reach many many people.

Sandie murray
4 years ago

The best advise ever! ????!!! The best is yet to come for all of us who keep Jesus front and center of our lives!

Colleen VanHaeften
4 years ago

Loved this talk Bruce. It came from the heart and resonated deeply in me. God bless you, your family and your ministry. Thank you .