You sure help us to understand the scriptures. The way you break each sentence and the meaning of each word. Thank you!
Ursel Mihelcic
2 days ago
Thank you Bruce
Maureen Green
2 days ago
Hi, This will be my 5th lent with you I am so looking forward to it. I have sent my £5. Good luck with finding the right person. I am sure they are out there ready to get started.
2 days ago
Hi Bruce, our non Catholic bothers have a beautiful hymn called Great is Thy faithfulness. You can find it on YouTube and I like the rendition by Chris’s Rice. I often play it when word fail me.
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You sure help us to understand the scriptures. The way you break each sentence and the meaning of each word. Thank you!
Thank you Bruce
Hi, This will be my 5th lent with you I am so looking forward to it.
I have sent my £5.
Good luck with finding the right person.
I am sure they are out there ready to get started.
Hi Bruce, our non Catholic bothers have a beautiful hymn called Great is Thy faithfulness. You can find it on YouTube and I like the rendition by Chris’s Rice. I often play it when word fail me.
[email protected]
Amen 🙏
Than you Bruc🙏