How To Be Loud When The World Is Silencing You

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2 years ago

What an incredibly blessed message today!! Thank you Bruce for saying “Yes” to your calling. Thank you for bringing us with you as you travel, proclaiming the gospel.

Reply to  Michelle
2 years ago

Couldn’t agree more

Reply to  Michelle
2 years ago

Unity… that pleases God Almighty and Glordoes Jesus, His Son! Holy Spirit come alive in each one of us!! Bruce, Rosemary and team you have the green light… 👍☹️

2 years ago

Such as an inspirational message. Thank you for this sharing. The story in the media has stirred many emotions in me this week and even left me feeling angered, defeated in the world, powerless and hopeless as a Victorian/Australian. As you say, Jesus will always be alive in us and nobody can ever take this away from us but as Christians we are called to do more and be more – to be impacters wherever we are. As parents we are called to be more and do more, as husbands and wives we are called to do more and be… Read more »

Reply to  Dorothy
2 years ago

👍 His Word says” Christ in you the hope of glory! And we can do all things through Him”!

Reply to  Sandie
2 years ago

Dorothy, because of media, I must settle down my anger also and try to find the goodness in All people.

2 years ago

Thank you, Bruce. Your talk today was exceptional and so vital in this day and age of secularism. God bless you and your ministry in your work, and I wish you every success as you travel.

Susan Breiding
2 years ago

I found this ministry on Day 2 of Lent 2022. Today I understand why I found this and what my purpose is. This Weekly is transforming and I will be listening it to it again as I embark on this journey of an Impacter. While I always try to make a Difference to just those around me I now know it is more than just being nice…It’s my job and it comes a in the form of just doing “what needs to be done”. Thank you for making me a Companion on this journey. PS Glad there is not an… Read more »

Reply to  Susan Breiding
2 years ago

👍. Me too! 75!! A lot to do to show the younger ones everyone has great worth and value and purpose!

Reply to  Sandie
2 years ago

Amen 🙏 61 Young. 😊

Reply to  Sandie
2 years ago

Thanks Sandie! Appreciate you!

Mandy Nylen
2 years ago

Dear Bruce, always very uplifted on hearing the message, I’m still waiting for my digital book on Mary, hope I’ll receive it soon, God bless you always, maria

2 years ago

👍great message.. “Bloom exactly where you are planted!! Be very blessed! I was going to invite you to our home but Fort Myers Beach needs time to regroup!!🙏. Be very blessed to bring out the best in each of us!!

Reply to  Sandie
2 years ago

Sandi I Love Your though’s and prayers of rebuilding and hope that Car You need comes to You soon 🙏.

Cathy Bartock
2 years ago

So inspirational today! Thank you, Bruce for such a powerful message! It has brought me to tears. I pray that the Lord will help me to become and impacter in my daily life. I have so much work to do on myself to bring me there but today’s message is the spark I need to look closely at my own soul and make the improvements I need. Please pray for me to do as God wills and to make the changes in myself! Many, many blessings to you and your family as well as your team!

Last edited 2 years ago by Cathy Bartock
2 years ago

Thank you for your wonderful message today Bruce. A Blessing indeed. I pray God gives me the courage to be an “Impacter” too. Keeping you in prayer as you travel afar. 🙏🙏

Trudi Annett
2 years ago

Thank you Bruce! You help open my heart and mind to increase my faith. I am going to be an impacter. Do you post your schedule of where you will be traveling so people could come listen to you?

2 years ago

Amen 🙏 and Thank You 😊 Bruce&Rosemary and Team. May God ❤️ Bless You’re Dream of Impactor’s with much Love and success 😊.

2 years ago

Bruce, Thank you for all your blessed messages and your weekly touched me even more today. Even though I think that I already have an impact on my family and friends, I want to do more by being part of your future movement “Impacters”.

I wish and hope that I will able to see in person when you visit Canada, specially Ottawa.

Julia Hayes
2 years ago

Great sermon today was one of your most moving and stirring talks..
it’s so true the world is in desperate need of seeing the faith and there is a subtle stifle of Christian ways that slowly will disapate God in our society. we must show by example
to all that God is very much alive and wants us to spread love and kindness🙏❤️

Lynnette Wall
2 years ago

thanks for this message! you mentioned going to Canada. wow. when and where???

Barry Tennihan
2 years ago

A great message that spoke to many things that have been on my heart

mark shoffner
2 years ago

All I do is write and pray it allows the Holy Spirit to work in someone’s life.I won’t know until I get to my true home. But it’s all I know how to do so I use it.

Retha Flack
2 years ago

Amen! Excellent sermon in becoming an Impacter for Christ. Thank you for all your work for Christ.

2 years ago

How grateful I am to have my life impacted with goodness by Bruce Downs ministry, heartfelt prayers and Bible lessons. Thank you. Not everyone can do this. Being loving and kind daily and helping others is what I want for my older years in life. Your prayers, your impact of goodness, brings me back to listening and feeling humble.