Day 3 - God has a Bigger Plan for You

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2 years ago

Your “that’s my prayer for you today” is absolutely perfect and very much needed today as I set out to finish a time limited task with which I’m struggling – very grateful to be reminded that God has the plan, so I can do my best and know ‘all is well’

Ruth Rathjem
2 years ago

SO encouraged again with today’s message. How we need reminding again and again of God’s Bigger Plan. Thank you. I have sent the links to many friends and relies.🙏

Ursel Mihelcic
2 years ago


2 years ago

the most wasted day is one without laughter. so, smile because and loves you .

2 years ago

And people will ask why and you can tell them🤗!

2 years ago

Hello from Cape Town. Please think of me in your prayers. I feel like such a fraud. I pray and listen to prayers but I still don’t know what you all are experiencing, I feel forgotten. Help me please. 🙏

Reply to  Shirley
2 years ago

There are many of us that feel that way Shirley you are not alone.
I will remember you in my prayers tonight We all need prayers for more faith
God Bless

Reply to  Rae
2 years ago

Thank you!!

Reply to  Shirley
2 years ago

Prayers already sent!! When you seek Me you Will find Me!and read Psalm 91, and Psalm 23! You only receive what you believe! If Jesus is your Savior, you are His and no one can take that away! The Holy Spirit lives in you, never to leave or forsake you! Stay on with Bruce and you will receive joy and peace in knowing Whose you are !!!🕊

Reply to  Sandie
2 years ago

Thank you!

Reply to  Shirley
2 years ago

Shirley like you I had been searching because there was a place somewhere with in me that was not complete. God knows how you feel and he has not forgotten you. Stop searching just let it be…. Every time you smile at a stranger, give what you are able to someone less fortunate, have more patience with someone who irritates you. You are finding your God. People don’t hear Jesus all the time…he may just whisper please do that in my name my child.
God Bless you Shirley. X Janet.

Reply to  Janet.
2 years ago

Thank you, Janet. This touched me profoundly. I’m in tears now. Keep safe, with love from a balmy Cape Town.

Christine Rocca
2 years ago

Our world is in need of our Lord amen

2 years ago

Thank you Bruce

Lucy Kimani
2 years ago

Thank you Bruce for the guidelines on how to celebrate our Lord from Birth to Death. Thank you for all you do. Blessed Advent Season.

2 years ago

So very thankful that you follow His lead and bring others to New life!!! Prayers for God to touch peoples heart to support financially and prayerfully! It is so wonderful to be a small part of something so pleasing to Our Father!! Growing His family and watching out for each other!

Leonard D RadzejewskiI a
2 years ago

I am g!ad that God has a plan for my life, my plans are never as good as God’s