We will check up on our end if there is a technical problem, meanwhile you could check your spam folder, sometimes the computer sends it there. Also if ever you miss any email or days you can get the current DAILYS and all past ones by going to the Website. Brucedownes.org and click onto the LENT box tenth current DAILY comes up. If you scroll you can get past day/date or by title the past DAILYS. Hope this helps.Gods blessings Rosemary
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Hi I cannot find today’s Devotional today being 6/4/2022
We will check up on our end if there is a technical problem, meanwhile you could check your spam folder, sometimes the computer sends it there. Also if ever you miss any email or days you can get the current DAILYS and all past ones by going to the Website. Brucedownes.org and click onto the LENT box tenth current DAILY comes up. If you scroll you can get past day/date or by title the past DAILYS. Hope this helps.Gods blessings Rosemary