Day 5 - Examining the FABRIC of Your Life

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Leonie Cornell
3 years ago

Hi. Thank you so much for these beautiful, challenging us to grow messages for Advent. I intend to do something, not just wait and grow deeper in my relationship.
By the way, I am watching this through the website. The email took me to a broken link that just said. Nothing found. Thought you might want to know.

Sandra Purcell (ADMIN)
Reply to  Leonie Cornell
3 years ago

Thanks so much and it is great to hear from you, Leonie. The technical glitch is now fixed and thanks for the heads-up. I pray you and your family have a blessed Advent season. Sandra – BDCM Team

3 years ago

never without a need , problem , never without a hurtful moment … but never forget that we have a loving God who is protecting us , guiding us , and help us to attain a meaningful life.

Denise Hall
3 years ago

Hi Bruce & Team, Many thanks for these Advent Reflections – they are a blessing, easy to relate to & very inspirational. I am especially grateful because I live where there is no opportunity to participate in a group Advent program. May the Lord continue to bless you in your ministry. Cheers, blessings & peace, Denise

Ursel Mihelcic
3 years ago


3 years ago

Thank you…. I am trying ….FABRIC
is a great tool to use.

clarmarie Sanchez
3 years ago

loved and enjoyed today teaching on fabric the meaning of each one thank you for sharing God bless you.

The presentations are feedig my soul at the begin
3 years ago

The presentations are feeding my soul at the beginning of this advent

Carmel Tanna
3 years ago

Thanks Bruce. A great talk today which I’m sure viewers will find helpful during Advent and beyond.

Denise Knowles
3 years ago

Dear Bruce, thank you so very much for reminding me about the F.A.B.R.I.C. Your presentation of the fabric is very Spiritual and understanding. May the Good Lord Bless you and Rosemary and your family..

3 years ago

Please pray for my brother-in-law who is not well and is being tested for lung cancer. Pray that he will come to know and love Jesus and to follow His Way to our Father. My brother-in-law can speak so hatefully and meanly to my sister. Please pray for her that she will be given the strength that she will need to walk this journey with her husband. Thank you Jesus for loving us even when we don’t love you.