December 10th - He's Coming for You and Me

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3 years ago

Apropos your encouragement for us to set aside 15 minutes each day specifically for prayer, this morning, in a daily devotional that I have had for many years – and so have read repeatedly – a passage truly struck a chord. After referring to what we’d probably call “dry” prayer times, it continues: “… and your task, to grow daily more and more into the knowledge of Me. That, this quiet time will enable you to do. ….. Only friends who understand and love each other can wait silent in each other’s presence”.

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3 years ago

You are doiñg a great job Bruce I look fòrwarď every morning first thing I maķe à mug off tea and sit down and turn oñ you.

3 years ago

God is the best doctor prayer is the best medicine . AMEN

3 years ago

Amen and Amen!!! That’s is TRUTH!

Robert Taylor
3 years ago

The mail you read out this morning from a lady who wished you had been around when she was younger, reflects my sentiments entirely. I am now just going on 74 and have learnt so much from you that could have made me a far better person faith wise if some of the priests, (and I have know many over the years), would have concentrated more on the importance of a relationship with God than on the rules of the church. God bless you and your team.

Reply to  Robert Taylor
3 years ago

Never too late, Abraham was 75!!! Go for it!!! He saves the best for last!!!🎉. Bring others to know “The Promise” the Holy Spirit waiting to come alive in all who are Baptized!

3 years ago

Please pray for my daughter and son-in-law with Covid, and to protect their 1 year old. Please pray for my other daughter, spent the night in the ER, undiagnosed stomach pain, possibly appendicitis. Please pray for us to find the financial means to help her. Please pray for my husband who isn’t well but won’t see a doctor. Please pray for my son that gives willingly and please pray for me to cope with all the anxiety and stress. Thank you

Reply to  Shirley
3 years ago


3 years ago

Thank you Bruce

Judith Kay Christy
3 years ago

Pray for Shane Gloria Arthur 🙏

Reply to  Judith Kay Christy
3 years ago


3 years ago

Such quietness and calm comes over me with your daily devotion. Thank you. Asking for wellness and for the love of God to direct our lives. For safety for family and friends. Amen

3 years ago

Keep up the great work we appreciate all you do at Bruce Downes Ministries!

Patricia Grandolfo
3 years ago

I love the letter from the 80+ yr old woman, those are my sentiments exactly, she was able to communicate my feelings in a way that I’m not. While I’m grateful for all the teachers, nuns and priests and what they taught us, I wish they would have taught us more history of the bible and the Holy Spirit, not as familiar with it as my non Catholic friends. I took your advice and read a passage everyday, not sure I understand it better, but love that I’m in the habit of doing it everyday. I appreciate you and your… Read more »

3 years ago

Please pray for Matt Meyer who is experiencing many medical issues post Covid infection. He has taken a leave of absence from his job because of stress,anxiety and brain fog. He cannot function as he use to. I pray for all those who suffer the same thing, including my daughter, Mary.

Reply to  Irene
3 years ago

🙏. Pray for my son as well.. experiencing the same due to Covid

Maureen Green
3 years ago

Thank you for reading out that letter Bruce. I fully endorse every word that lady wrote. I have prayed for years for the gift of “wisdom”. I think it arrived during lockdown, when I found more time to pray and follow “The Catholic Guy “. Rosemary is a wonderful Christmas bonus.
Thank you both

Kay Kollat
3 years ago

Thank you for reading the letter from the 80 year old woman. It really touched me. I also wish we would have head more about a forgiving and loving God. As a young mother and wife I was always busy doing for others. Now I take the time for myself in prayer and listening to you every morning. I am so sorry I didn’t take more time telling my children about Jesus. Yes we went to church but I didn’t have the feeling than as I do today at Mass. I’ve made mistakes against my children after my husband died… Read more »

Reply to  Kay Kollat
3 years ago

Start teaching CCD and use all the wisdom you have and pass it on to the little ones! So needed in this troubled world!

Marci Valente
3 years ago

God bless you Bruce and all your family and ministry. Have a blessed weekend

3 years ago

Revival is coming and the Holy Spirit will awaken those who need that special touch! May God continue to use you mightily for His Glory! The “Family” …Blood bought and Paid for is growing leaps and abounds!

3 years ago

Pray for Wendy that she recovers from all of her illnesses.
Thank you God

Onyema Agbebi
3 years ago

Thanks for your labour of love Bruce. For making a difference in our lives and bring ing the word alive

Lucy Kimani
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce for the Daily Devotion. May God richly bless you & your Ministry

Ursel Mihelcic
3 years ago
