December 21st - The True Meaning of Christmas Worship

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3 years ago

thank you Bruce so beautiful

3 years ago

It seems we again come back to two words: (1) relationship (2) surrender. And maybe we can do better at those things if we consciously and deliberately elevate the level of consciousness of God in our lives?

Patricia Grandolfo
Reply to  Lee
3 years ago


Reply to  Lee
3 years ago

🎯One sided relationships don’t work! He has done everything, we need to develop grateful hearts of love for Him and others!!

John T
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce, looking forward to the 2nd part 😀 🙏🕊

3 years ago

Give me your worries , and l will give you rest . JESUS

3 years ago

Thank you, I needed to hear this today. God bless you all x with love from Cape Town

Ursel Mihelcic
3 years ago


3 years ago

Thank you.

3 years ago

Once again you hit a “home run” to coin a phrase God bless.

3 years ago

Thank you Bruce for this inward reflective message!!! But also thank you for your loving kindness through the lovely Christmas card!!! May the Lord continue to bless you Bruce, Rosemary and all who do great work in the ministries abundantly!!! Looking forward to Part 2 tomorrow!

Patricia Grandolfo
3 years ago

Thank you ❤️

Pamela Lang
3 years ago

Thank you for all your messages look forward to tomorrow happy Christmas to you and your family Brisbane Australia 🇦🇺 😀

Cherie Foster
3 years ago

This message spoke volumes. Thank you for your message today

Marci Valente
3 years ago

Bruce you are such a special blessing. Thank you for your message today. Praise the Lord. Amen

3 years ago

You are nothing short of amazing!!! Capture their hearts and they will never be the same!!! Thanking God for your steadfast love and desire to serve Him! What an amazing wife and help mete He brought to you!!! Praying for His favor on your ministry and team as you serve Him very well!

Kathleen Finamore
3 years ago

Powerful message.

Jones Ruth
3 years ago

I am doing a Bible in a year. I love it. I read something similia to what you are talking about. Since the beginning of the Bible it was always about animal sacrifice. GOD, didn’t really like the animal sacrificing it was really about FORGIVENESS and LOVING GOD.

Tanya O'Neill
3 years ago

Thank you for connecting me to the scriptures and it’s meaning. I have tried to read the Bible several times, often finding myself perplexed and I end up putting it down and leaving it for long periods.

May God continue to bless you and your family and team so you can continue to spread the word in this way.

Merry Christmas.

Carla Villafana
3 years ago

I feel like this year has been one of my most prayerful Christmas seasons. A strong relationship with Jesus. I am very aware of how much I need Him. You have been a part of that. Thank you.