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3 years ago

Well done Bruce on continued growth in your Ministries and sending daily videos, which have benefited me greatly. I’m glad C19 brought you back to our city. Thanks and praise be to God.????

Deanna Francke
3 years ago

Good stuff Bruce. Good to see your message is reaching to the corners of the earth even Antartica. Some encouragement before the commencement of our Lenten journey. Keep up the good work.
May God Bless you, Rosemary & the team.

Valerie Simms
3 years ago

Thank you Bruce for reminding me in this message to LOOK BACK in my past to SEE WHERE GOD WAS WITH ME AND WORKED IN ME AND AROUND ME!!! It was only this morning that I saw in my Prayer Journal where I jotted this down to do in 2021!!! God bless you Bruce and thank you!

Alonso Lopez
3 years ago

Thankl you so much. You have a great program.
You do an awesome job talking about Jesus.
Again, awesome program!