The Assumption - Mary, a Life Wholly Devoted

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4 years ago

Please pray for me to get sole custody of my 1 year old daughter!

Patricia Thomas
4 years ago

Hi I love to listen to you,and would love to join in praying the rosary as when i pray I never seem to get it right
I go to catholic church each Sunday but feel very distant .

Reply to  Patricia Thomas
4 years ago

Hi, Patricia you don’t have to be perfect when you pray the rosary. Also it can help if you watch a YouTube video and pray. Father Peyton rosary videos are the best ones for me. You can just mediate on the video of the lives of Jesus and Mary and pray alongside the priest.

4 years ago

Please pray for me , it is difficult for me to ask this . I am weak and feeling lost in my direction . Lord please give me the strength not to drink every night . I know you are there Lord but I feel like I am hanging onto life with a very fine thread .

Paulette Butler
Reply to  Mart
4 years ago


God is with you and you are in a storm , God is fighting for u at this very moment , don’t give up , I’m going through a similar situation right now and I’m praying that God will give u the strength and peace and courage to get through this ,

Jan Heath
4 years ago

Thank you for a wise and inspired teaching on Mary.

Tony Allan
4 years ago

Love the beautiful pictures of Mary in the background. Always nice to listen to Bruce. Also on the feast of the Assumption, let us hope that our Blessed Mother Mary can ask God to give Scientist the knowledge to find a cure for Covd19. Sue and Tony

Christine Thomas
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce for the beautiful reflection on our blessed Mother Mary. How blessed we are to have one who loves us so much.

4 years ago

Thanks Bruce for a great reflection you have the rare gift of being able to make difficult concepts of faith easy to understand.
God Bless

Raymond Russo
4 years ago

A Beautiful rendition on such a beautiful Feastday ” Mary’s Assumption” thank you Bruce and your Team …Raymond

Helen Pederson
4 years ago

Thank you Bruce for the beautiful & special message that you have delivered to honor our loving Mother Mary on her Feast of Assumption. Blessings.

4 years ago

Thanks Bruce for this reflection on this special day of Our Blessed Mother. Thank you also for the invitation to pray the Rosary with you and your team. May God bless you and your family.

4 years ago

Bruce I enjoy listening to you. I left Australia for Europe for my father’s funeral 6 months ago but deep down I knew that I could not do anything for him because he is in a good place with the Father and my mother needs me now. I pray to God each day through the rosary which I have been saying for a long time now & also I pray the surrender prayer. But I feel unlike Mother Mary that I cannot surrender totally. However I believe that prayers are answered because my husband and I got stuck in Europe… Read more »

4 years ago

Thank you for this thought provoking talk with such beautiful images behind you. It was lovely to say the Rosary with you today.

Theresa Keyser
4 years ago

I get a lot of spiritual insight out of this man of God.I use to be Catholic.I got my Holy Communion and Confirmation when I was a child.If I would have gotten this kind of teaching then I would never have left the Catholic Church

Reply to  Theresa Keyser
4 years ago

Make the journey home to the Catholic Church, ask for Jesus and Mary to help you. It is a life long journey of faith and there is much to learn.