He is With Us In All Things - 11th December

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4 months ago

Thank you for the strong reminder of God’s continuing presence and strength in rescuing us form our afflictions.

4 months ago

Thank you Bruce…once again, a very good message.

4 months ago

Bruce, that sounds like the Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group that I go to in Melbourne! I love the prayer warriors there and my faith is fed through the teachings at the prayer meetings. Beautiful explanation of Psalm 34:19.

Patricia Smith
4 months ago

Good morning. Thank you Bruce. Today you spoke directly to me! I so needed to be reminded of this, today. God bless you. 🙏🙏

Ursel Mihelcic
4 months ago

Thank you Bruce

4 months ago

We miss the sign of the cross you used to do. From my head to my heart etc. don’t remember it all. But it was so perfect.

4 months ago

Thank you for your messages every day, Bruce! It’s been tough for me losing my husband in September and my children and grandchildren living 3,000 miles away.

Debra Lynch
4 months ago

Thank you Bruce. I was having one of those difficult moments in life and your message today couldn’t have been more perfect! This isn’t the first time this has happened. It’s as though God is speaking to me through you. This is why I love the Daily Devotions and your ministry! 🙏

Tim Ritchie
4 months ago

Friday we buried my youngest brother -in-law (57) after 9 months of battling Pancreatic Cancer. God Bless you for being a daily piece of my life for the past 3 years. God Bless St. Thomas Aquinas church in Madison Wisconsin for giving us faith, support. ❤️🙏👣

Susan Gill
4 months ago

Beautiful, uplifting message. Thank you Bruce. God bless you.

4 months ago

Thank for this message today I really needed to hear this as I struggle with a broken heart.